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Somewhere across the United States:

"Shut up you terrible excuse for a writer and just tell the readers where the fuck they are and which point of view they are in.... Dumbass, sack of... mother.... shit... I swear..."

Karkat's pov-

So here I am. all the way over here. In New York. Kankri and I have been here for almost four months now. And it has been crazy. I was still getting used to the city. Which I fucking hated. But Gram said it would take us a while to get adjusted. I still missed everyone back in Washington. Especially Dave but that was understandable. I mean he was my boyfriend and good friend and all that shit. I couldn't just get over him that easily. I bet he still wasn't over me yet either. Even though he is with John now, he probably thinks of me all the time. At least I hope so.

Time skip

"Hey Kar! Your little friend is here. #Tw, I don't mean to offend you or him. but he doesn't seem like you type. Actually he seems more of the..." I slapped my hand over his mouth as I walked past him. "One, shut up. Two, I can't believe you gave that a hashtag. And three leave me and Jack alone." I removed my hand from his face. "That was very rude Karkat. I think I should have a serious talk with later." Kankri crossed his arms and began walking away. "Go stick it in your fan letter!" I shouted at his back. I turned to face the door. The door was cracked slightly. I pulled it open to get a face full of black leather jacket. "Hello Jack."

(A/N: if you don't know what #Tw means, it stands for #Triggerwarning. well I hoped you liked it and give a big thanks to Gavin who wrote the first part of the story. well I'll see you later bye!!

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