summer vacation

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Dave's Pov-

        An hour before the final bell, Prinicpal Scratch let me out of ISS. "Thanks, Scratch." I nodded at him as I signed the 'Out' paper. "I hope I don't see you in here alot next year Mr. Strider." I shrugged. "Maybe, see ya next year." I walked out of the office quickly. I was glad to be out of there. I honestly don't know how I got caught. I hid all the evidence and I flash-stepped to get everything done. It should've been near impossible to catch me. Oh well. I didn't care, I was just glad to be out of there.

I walked down the hallway. I decided to skip over the whole cleaning out my locker deal. There really isn't anything in my locker to be cleaned out. I just had to find John or Sollux. I was kinda pissed. He didn't need to kiss my boyfriend like that. Or at all. I sighed. What was he thinking? I continued walking down the hall until I reached the cafeteria doors. I peered inside the windows. I noticed that John, Sollux, Eridan, Kanaya, Rose, Terezi, Gamzee, and Tavros were all sitting at the same table. I walked in, my stoic facial expression in place. I marched right up to the table. "Oh, hey Dave." John, looked up at me with a smile. "Sollux and I made up. And look! He just started dating Ampora." I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed. Captor and Ampora? Eh, I could see it. I sat down next to John and sighed. At least I didn't have to get in a fight today.

When the last bell rang, I sighed. Finally. I quickly stood up from the table. "Ready to go?" I asked John. He nodded. "Summer Vacation here we come!"

(A/N: yay! The last day of school for the homestucks! Here is some news, this story is about to end. *gasp* but no need to worry. There is a sequel to this. No, I can't tell you the name of it, no I can not tell you what it is about, and I can't tell you when it will come out, but just know that it will come out after this story is over and it will be awesome (hopefully) and I also want to add that this story will end during or after the Egbert trip to New York. What do you guys think? That's the story/chapter question: when should I end the story during or after the trip? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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