Landing in New York

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Dave's Pov-

        "We're here! Hello New York!" Jade cheered as she rushed off the plane. I chuckled. "You ready?" John asked me as we walked off the plane. "As ready as I'll ever be." As soon as we walked into the airport everyone looked in our direction. Crap. I forgot that D was really popular in New York. Someone on our flight must have notified the people in New York and now every one was staring directly at me. I sighed. "Look, it's Dave!" "Strider's little brother is here! In New York!" I ignored the people as I grabbed John's hand. "These people know you?" I sighed again. "I forgot to mention that I have another brother. He's older than me but younger than Dirk. He's a director. And his name is D. It's short for something. we really don't know what it is." John looked up at me. "But, that doesn't explain how they know you." I snorted. "D likes to mention us in his meetings and interviews. He thinks that he's still part of our family or something. We really don't have ties to him at all. Its really aggravating." He nodded. We walked toward the carousal thing, whatever it was, and waited for our things. But after a few minutes of waiting, nothing showed up. "Where is our stuff?" John asked. As if on cue, Jade popped beside him. "Right here! I got tired of waiting for you guys that I already grabbed it. Now come on!" She pulled all three suitcases and my backpack toward the exit. John and I had no choice but to follow her.

        As we neared the exit, I heard someone shout. "Bye Jack! I love you!" The shouting wasn't the normal type of shouting. It was loud and angry. I only knew one person that was able to pull that off. And that was Karkat.

(A/N: DUN DUN DUHHHHH! Ooooooohhhhhh things are about to get real. The story/chapter question is: What is going to happen in Dave's mind? Is going to go crazy? Or is going to have a mental breakdown right there in airport? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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