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Eridan's pov-

What I just witnessed had to be told. I had to tell Dave. He had to know what Sol did. I really didn't want to tell on him. Sol was my best friend and the only person I had ever had a crush on. I didn't like how he was trying to force himself on John. I knew that John was never going to want to be with him again. John was happy with Dave.

I quickly walked to the office. For some reason our principal let people see the kids that got stuck in ISS. He was really weird. Once I reached the office, I stopped outside the door. Can I really do this? I had too. It was the right thing to do. I reached for the door handle but it jiggled from the inside. The person that stepped over the threshold was the last person I had expected to see. It was John.

John's pov-

"Eridan? What are you doing here?" I looked him in the eye. I actually like Eridan. A lot of people hated him. But I didn't. Many people didn't know that Eridan and I used to be friends during middle school. "I was gonna tell Dave. Y'know, about what happened." I smiled slightly. "There's no need for that. I've already done it." He sighed. "That's great." He moved away from the door so I could get around him. "Look, I'm really sorry about what he did to you. I've told him thousand times that he can't force himself on you." I began walking to my locker. "Dont worry about it. It's okay. Sollux just has some issues. I'm sure they can get worked out. Eridan shook his head. "I dont know about that. I just wished he could see that there was someone else that liked him." I opened my locker quickly and looked over at Eridan. "Why don't you just tell him?" Eridan let out a soft chuckle. "I couldn't possible do that. He's just so hard headed." I snorted. "Oh c'mon Ampora. You really need to get it off your chest. I'll even help." I pushed all my things into my bag and closed the door. I looked down the hallway for any signs of my other friends. "Speaking of the devil."

(A/N: Dun dun fight! Hehehe, I've always wanted to do that. Alright, story/chapter question(or more than one): 1. Can Eridan tell Sollux? 2. What will Dave do about his boyfriend getting almost molested by Sollux. 3. Who is the principal? 4. What was Kanaya going to do about Sollux. So many questions yet so little time. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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