Sollux is a cheater

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John's Pov-

        This wasn't like Sollux. He normally told me if he was going somewhere. Even when I was asleep. And it wasn't like Terezi either. She hated the dark. She hated it because it masked a colors smell and taste. She never wandered around in the dark. Never. When I got upstairs I could hear muffled sounds coming from the guest bedroom. Hmm? I wonder what it could be. As I got closer the sounds became clearer. They sounded like moans. "Mhmm! Sollux!" That sounded like... "Ah! Terezi!" I put my hand over my mouth to stop my shocked gasp. "No." I whispered. "No." I repeated, shaking my head. It couldn't be. Sollux wouldn't cheat on me. He just wouldn't. Tears streamed down my face as I ran downstairs to tell Dave.

Dave's Pov-

        I grabbed a bottle of apple juice from my bag. I walked into John's kitchen. I jumped onto his counter top. His house was a tight fit but I guess that's understandable since only three people were living in it. "Dave!" I heard John whisper loudly. "Kitchen." He ran into the kitchen. I noticed tears in his eyes. "What's the matter dude?" His sobs turned into hiccups when he started talking. "I think Sollux is cheating on me." I shook my head. "No way bro. He's head over heels for you." His tears ran down faster. "I heard sounds from the guest room. I was too scared to go in. will you do it?" I sighed. "Sure Egderp."

        I walked toward the guest bedroom with John slightly behind me. "That's the door." He whispered. I sighed. This was stupid. I pushed open the door anyway. There was no way in hell that Captor was capable of cheating on John. I've seen the way Sollux looks at him. Sollux was love struck. I just couldn't believe it. But when I looked behind the door, I was starting too. Sollux and Terezi were putting on their clothes. I was shocked. I cleared my throat loudly. Sollux turned around slowly. Terezi sniffed the air. "Is that Dave?" She asked. "Dave please don't tell John." He pleaded. "I already know."

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