Karkat's problem: Karkat's room

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Dave's Pov-

        The Vantas house looked as if Count Dracula had been living in it for centuries. The color palette was dark. There was a mix of blacks, grays, and very dark red, almost like dried blood, scattered throughout the house. I ignored the colors and headed for Karkat's room.

        The hallway to Karkat's room was long. It felt as if I was in horror film. When I reached his door, I was hesitant to know. What would I find when I opened the door. I quickly knocked, releasing my fear. "Karkat?" I heard a groan. "What do you want?" It was very faint. As if he was behind another door. The softness of his voice reminded me of something. But what? I twisted the door knob slowly. "It's me. Dave." I heard a bunch of banging sounds. "Go away." I pushed the door open. "Karkat?" I heard more sounds. Then silence. "Karkat?" I tried again. I couldn't see him but the noises were coming from another room, meaning Karkat was in there. "Please. Just go away." I heard him whimper. "No. Not until I see you." There was a loud crash behind the closed door. "Dave! Help me!" I ran through the door. What I found was terrifying.

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