Airports and Condoms

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Dadbert's Pov-

        "You guys have fun. Make sure you have your IDs on you. Jade since you are the oldest make sure those two are doing what they are supposed to. John, remember to watch out for anything made with peanuts. And I'm proud of you." I told the three as they got out of the car. "Oh, and Dave can I have a word with you?" Dave looked away from Jade and towards the car. Jade gave him a small push toward the car. "Yes, Mr. Egbert?" I smiled at him. He really was a good kid. I was glad that he was dating my son. "John told me that your old lover lives in New York. He told me that you aren't really comfortable with the whole idea of seeing him again. I just want to make sure that you are alright with going. I don't want you to be forced into doing this for John's sake." He smiled slightly. "It's alright sir. I'll be fine." I nodded. "Alright, Dave. Have fun." He nodded. "See ya." He ran back over to John and Jade. John wrapped his arms around Dave's waist and smiled. "Bye dad, I love you!" Jade yelled and waved. "I love you." I waved at the three as I drove away from the airport.

Dave's Pov-

        "Hey guys, I have to take a piss. I'll see in the waiting area." I said, setting my suitcase and backpack on the spiny luggage thing. What was the real term for it. A caresail? Who cares. "Alright, we'll see you over there." John said, grabbing Jade's hand. Those two could be twins, I thought looking at them. They were so similar, kinda just like who Jake looked exactly like John. Did their whole family look the exact same. I nodded and quickly searched for a restroom. I found one. I walked over to it, trying to avoid all the people. "Look, mom. Its Strider's little brother." I groaned. Of course D would be know around here. The other member of the Strider Clan was never really talked about because he was famous and didn't really have time for us. But he still loved to mention us in press interviews. So Dirk and I were well know to the Strider company and movie corporation. I slipped into the bathroom, before anyone else had the chance to see it was "Strider's little brother." I really didn't have to use the restroom. I just wanted to see what Dirk had put in my pocket. Knowing Dirk, it was probably a condom. Which it was. I groaned. Really? I should've got the hint when he said "Make me proud." I groaned again. I was so not into that. I wasn't going to do that John. But then again, I remembered what happened on the roof of my house. He did want to see my... No. I was not going to do that John. I wouldn't do that until he was 100% ready for it. I sighed, slipping the condom back into my pocket. I had to keep it. If Dirk found out that I didn't, I would be in for a strife later. I walked out of the bathroom with a frown plastered to my face. I swear, why was a stuck with a brother like Dirk?

(A/N: Short, I know but I had to do it. By the way, I wrote this chapter because I liked erisolshipper's comment on the last chapter. I don't know why but I just really liked it. And after I read the comment i just started laughing for like ten minutes straight and my friend Jelly stared at me and she was like, "what are you laughing at?" And I just started laughing even more. And it wasn't like I was laughing at the comment I was laughing at what I wrote that made the comment even better. So thanks for making my day erisolshipper. Anyway here is the story/chapter: What did you think of Dadbert? I thought that it was cute that I had him care for Dave like that. yep! Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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