where is he?

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(Hidden Camera- can see both people at the same time but it isn't third person)

(Bold means they speak at the same time, italic is John, and regular print is Dave)





        "Where could he be?"

        "I have to find him."

        "I need to apologize."

        "He needs to know I'm sorry."

John's Pov-

        "Dave!" C'mon, where could he be? I have to be close. There are only so many spots that Dave could go. I had practically searched the whole downtown area. So I went back to the fountain. Maybe he'd come back here. It is where we started the whole argument. I was a little bit afraid. Dave has never yelled at me like that before. He didn't even yell at me when one of my pranks left his turntables in ruins. I mean, I did help pay for new ones but still. He didn't yell at me then and his tables were like his children, so why now. And whats with the being alone stuff? "You don't know what it feels like to be left alone." What did he mean? He was alone, was he? Didn't he have Rose? And what about Dirk? He was there too. I looked up at the sky, thinking. Oh. I get it now. He did say that Bro was always gone and when he left for good, Dirk took up the habit of leaving all the time too. And I guess having a twin sister isn't the same thing as having an older brother to look up too. I guess he was right. I was never alone. I always had Jade, even though Dad always went to baker's conventions he would leave notes for us and he wouldn't be gone long just a few days. It was all making sense now. But I was still scared. We just started dating and we just had our first fight. That isn't good. I really do need to apologize to me. But where was he?

Dave's Pov-

        I have no idea where I'm going. I was still looking for John. But where was he? He needed to know that I was sorry. I didn't mean to yell at him and call him an idiot. I was just upset. Thinking about Bro always brought out a darker side in me. It always happened no matter what memory of Bro I was thinking about. I mean, last time I thought him I was hanging out with Rose. I was thinking about the time he tried to make pancakes and the whole kitchen ended up in batter. I had lost my temper when she asked me why I spaced out and I almost hit her. It was pretty terrifying. I just couldn't help it. But to yell at John like that was uncalled for. He was fragile. Like a baby. He didn't deserve that. To be honest, I didn't deserve him. At all. I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me after all I just did. I sighed. Maybe I should go back to the fountain where the fight started. It couldn't hurt.

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