I didn't know red could be so pretty

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John's Pov-

        Wow. Dave's eyes were so red. Almost like big pools of blood. Which surprisingly didn't creep me out. They were so pretty. "Wow Dave." He slid his sunglasses back on his face. "Is that why you keep them covered. Are you afraid of what people might say?" He nodded. "But they're so pretty." Dave smirked. "Yeah right. They look like fire trucks." I snorted. "No way, dude."  I looked at Dave closely. His skin was sun-kissed, his hair was a light strawberry blond, freckles were peppered across his cheek and nose: they were hard to notice since his sunglasses covered a good portion of his face, and his eyes, oh his eyes, they were gorgeous. Dave was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Especially his eyes.

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