They're too cute

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Rose's Pov-

        I decided that I would check on John and Dave. They didn't come down stairs at all after John arrived. I hoped that made up or whatever. Because John didn't seem too happy when he got here. The sun wasn't rising yet so those two should still be sleeping. I quietly went through my door and into Dave's open one. I looked around for the two boys but they were no where to be found. I walked further into the room. They were probably on the roof. I walked toward the window. I look though the thin glass. It was slightly fogged up and I couldn't see anything. So I opened the window and peered out of it. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle a giggle. John and Dave were curled up under a blanket together. Actually, It was more like John curled the blanket in between him and Dave, with his legs wrapped around the blanket and both arms out-stretched past his head. Dave on the other hand was curled up John as if he was Dave's life line. Dave's legs were wrapped around John's waist and one of his arms was wrapped around John's shoulder. His other arm was propping up his head. They looked so cute. I was glad everything was worked out, even though I had no idea what was wrong in the first place. But I was still happy for my little brother.

(A/N: I should have mentioned this early, but the platform on the roof has like a small wall around it so it kinda looks like a balcony but it really isn't. It might be hard to explain. Some houses have it others don't. But you guys might know what i'm talking about, right?)

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