Chapter 5- Beaten

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Warning: violence and language

Taylor's POV

I wake with a throb in my head. I'm in a small room. I can't remember what happened until it all comes back in flashbacks and echos. I remember Jake barging into my house he pushed me around and when I tried to escape he knocked me out. That's all I can remember. I'm startled when I hear a door open. I look up to see harry with a wild look in his eyes.

"Hello slut. You finally came to." I sit there not speaking.

"Tell you what, give me today and then you can go home. If I don't murder you first." fear comes over me but I don't speak.

"So what am I goona do today?" He walks and grabs a bag. Then he sits in front of me and un packs it. It contains a knife, rope, and a cloth and some liquid.

"which should we try first? Or should I just start with a warmup?

"What do you mean."

"I'll show you.

Before I know it he delivers a blow to my stomach. I get the wind knocked out of me and double over. He then Puts me in a choke hold. He keeps me there till I begin to black out. Then he continues beating me. After I am worn down he leaves the room. I'd rather be dead by now. At least it's only today. I look at the knife considering my options. A few moments later he comes back with 2 scary men. They come over and roughly pick me up they take me to a pole and tie my hands and legs to it. Then they start beating me again. They stop shortly and Jake walks over with the knife. He takes it to my uncovered legs and cuts me. The sickly enjoyable sensation comes back like when I used to do it to myself. All day he's been telling me how worthless I am and at this point I know it's true. He then cuts my wrists and stomach. I'm trying not to focus on the pain I'm surveying where I am. This isn't his house. I have no idea where I am. Then I'm brought back when one of the men delivers a kick to my stomach. I struggle to breath. Then Jake starts kissing me grossly and trying to undress me. I reject and that's when one of the men puts a cloth over my mouth. All I see is black.

I woke and looked down. All my clothes were gone and I was on the cold floor. The next two days were the same: be beaten and cut, then black out to be raped. On the third day harry came in holding a rope and a knife.

"Here's how it's goona go worthless slut. You are going to kill yourself. Why you might ask. Well if I kill you it's murder, but if you do it it's suicide. I'll let you pick how. 

Ed's POV 

What do I do? I have to stay here, but Taylor is somewhere being hurt. Sel and Abi are doing what they can but I'm so worried. I pray she's ok. My phone rings. It's sel.

"Hey Sel! Any news?"

"The Police tracked Jake's phone we're with them right now. We're goona go to the hospital with her if needed."

"Ok call me when you're with her!"

I hangup and wait for the call back.

Taylor's POV 

I sit in the chair I'm tied in, half responsive. Jake keeps beating me. 

"Now which is it?!" He yells.

I sit there falling into unconsciousness Then cops rush in. Half of them tackle harry and the rest untie me. I get up only to fall. I back away from them. They're gonna hurt me I have to get away. They get me and I scream weakly fighting to get away. Then paramedics come in with Sel and Abi as Harry is hauled out. They run over and scoop me up. I'm forced onto a stretcher and all three of us get in the ambulance. Then I'm taken to the hospital and checked out. I get pain meds and then I fall in to a deep sleep.

A/n: Here it is! Yes I know this is happening in a lot of fanfics but I need drama so here.  And know for the purpose of this story Taylor will not be performing with Ed at MSG. Anyway Vote and Comment! 5 comments= update! Go follow my instagram @thebestdaywithswift and have a terrific day!

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