Chapter 19: Christmas Day Part 1

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Taylor's POV

I open my eyes to see Ed's piercing blue eyes staring into mine.

"Merry Christmas, Teddy."

"Merry Christmas snowflake."

He leaned over and started kissing me. We got involved in an intense make out.

"Come on Ed I have to got start breakfast."

"Taylor it's 6am I doubt anyone will be up for a while."

"Oh ok. Well please do continue" I leaned over and went back to kissing him.

About half an hour later Ed and I decided we should get up and make breakfast. I put my onsie back on and Ed and I walk hand and hand to the kitchen. We put pancakes on the stove and make some bacon and sausage. As we're cooking my parents and little brother sleepily enter the room. 

"Goodmorning guys!"

"Ugh Taylor you're too happy for 7 am." Austin complained.

"Sorry Grumpy."

We all sit down and eat the christmas tree pancakes I made. Next, we all sit around the tree and watch holiday movies until 12. Then we all get dressed and ready and packed up and then it's time for all of us to travel to our destinations.


After a long 11 hour flight we reach England. Between Ed, our bodygaurds, and I, we get everything to our car, through the white christmas air, and are driven to Ed's families' house. The drive was about half an hour and Ed and I spent it just talking and songwriting.  Soon before we knew it we were at his parents house. It was now 6 AM, UK time. We quietly snuck in, putting all the gifts under the tree. We had slept about 10 hours out of our flight so we weren't really tired.  We just stayed up and continued writing until we heard footsteps coming towards our room at about 8:00. Ed held my hand, seeing that I was nervous that it would be his mom. I could tell he was a bit scared too. I think I'm a lot more over what was said then he is. 

"It'll be ok Ed, don't sweat it."

"I know. I love you, my little snowflake."

"I love you my little teddy bear."

"No I'm pretty sure I'm a big teddy bear."

"Well either way I love you Teddy bear." 

I leaned over and gave him a little peck. We got up and decided to go eat some breakfast. The whole way down the short corridor that spit into the main area of their decently large home, he gave my cheek little pecks. I was wearing a red and white sweater with some pale rust colored jeans. Ed wore a black hoodie and some jeans. We walked into the dinnning room. John and Matt were sitting there talking over a cup of tea and some pastries. 

"Goodmorning." I said as I approached them. 

We all shared hugs and goodmornings, along with some "Merry late Christmas" 's.

"Where's mom?" Ed questioned.

"In the kitchen. Goodluck she's in a bit of a crazy mood. I think she's just nervous." John replied.

"Oh alright, I guess I'll go talk to her before she can get near Taylor."

"Ed it's ok, it's the past and it's christmas let's all be happy!"

He walked into the kitchen and I just chatted with John and Matt. They asked how I've been and I told them exactly how I've been. They didn't bring anything up about the last time I had seen them. We just had a nice chat about all our jobs, how life has been treating us. They asked about how things with Ed and I had been and I told them perfect. Cause they are. I told them about what wedding plans we had so far. And then Ed and his mom walked in. Here goes nothing.

Ed came and sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him.  To finish it off he put his arm around my waist protectivly. Imogen walked over and sat next to john.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas, Mrs.Sheeran." I told her cheerily.

"Goodmorning dear." Was all I got.

All throught breakfast which consisted of tea and some danishes for Ed and I, he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear. After we were all done his mother and I took away the dishes. I voulenteered to help her wash them. Ed didn't want me to, but I felt I should. As we were doing the dishes she spoke up.

"Taylor, I know it the past and you are being very nice to me even after what I did. But I feel like I need to say I'm very deeply sorry, for what I said. It was so horrible of me and you almost died because of me. So i'm very sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me or anything like that, but just know I feel horrible." She said a little tearfully.

"I forgive you. It's done and over with. I was in a bad place back then and I cracked at just about everything. I was stressed that I was having to meet y'all in that state and I just couldn't take the combination of everything and then thinking that, that  you didn't approve of Ed and I  just killed me. I don't wanna have bad blood with us, I want to be close to you and someday if Ed and I have kids, I want you to be there with the baby. I want you and my mom to become close and I want to be close with you and have a mother daughter relationship." I said crying.

"I do too."

She leaned over and hugged me and then we finished up the dishes, joking the whole time. When we walked out laughing Ed, John, and Matt looked at us like we were insane. I went and sat next to Ed.

"Alright well let's all go get dressed and we'll open gifts and see if there are any Christmas movies on." Imogen announced.

Ed and I walked back to our room that was all the way in the back of the house. It was quite far from all the other rooms. 

"So was she nice?" Ed asked as we went into our room. Mere hopping into my lap.

"She said sorry and we had a really good talk. Everything is resolved. In fact she even said something about taking me shopping while we're here."

"That's great."

We talked as I put a light layer of makeup on. 

"Taylor when are you going to learn you don't need that stuff?"

"I know I don't, but it makes me feel more confident."

"Ok. Well let's go join the family."

A/N: Here y'all are! I've decided to split this part into 2 chapters because this one is already hella long and there was still a lot more to add so ya. Plus it's nice to have a 2 parter once in awhile. It catches your attention. So ya we reached 2,000 reads on this!!!! That's so amazing. Hopefully by the time this ends we'll be able to crush at least 7,000 reads which is what Safe and Sound has. So um... I think that's all! 5 comments will get you a quicker update so lets keep the support going strong!

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