34: Then no more red tour

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This is a flash forward. I decided that instead of giving you 3-5 filler chaps of stuff between these two main points I'd just jump ahead. I don't wanna say I'm in a rush to end this fanfic, but I don't wanna drag it on so long y'all tire of it. P.S: Thus far I've tried to keep this story as true to what's happening irl as I can, but do you want me to keep doing that or just disregard it, life for example include when grant and cait got fired from the band?

Taylor's POV

I walk off stage after taking my final bows with the dancers. It's June 12th. The last night of the red tour ever. It's been amazing this tour. I couldn't have asked for it to have been anymore amazing. I ended this tour just how the fans and I wanted to. I sang long live on the b-stage. I don't sing that song much, but with going on fans instagrams I'm just starting to realize just how much that song means to them. Now it's time to start planning the next tour and finishing my next album. (little an here: can we all just hope and pray the 1989 tour has a bstage and Taylor plays some of her old stuff because if she never plays her old stuff again I'll cry.) 

These few months since Ed and I's split has been hard. That being said I've managed not to fall back into cutting, I've been trying to stay strong and throw myself into my album and things that make me happy. I've had a little trouble with falling back into eating disorder tendencies, but nothing too horrible.

Ed's new single came out in may. It's called sing, I'd heard it before and it sounded really good. I wish I could tell you I don't miss him and that I'm fine without him, but I'm not. I just never thought that /i'd have a last kiss with him. Every interview or performance I watch of his I can just feel him forgetting me. But I haven't forgotten him. I couldn't. I still wear my ring. I haven't removed it once.Everyday I sit and look at the door or in this case the door of my bus when we're parked waiting for him to come in and surprise me, but he never does.

I heard he's supposed to start releasing a song a day starting on the 16th and X drops the 23rd. I'm interested to hear it. I don't know really what'll be on it. I'm sure it'll be about how over me he is. I've seen him in public a few times. I haven't spoken to him, but it's not like he looked welcoming. He just simply looked at me like I was last years trend. and there was a tad of alcohol in his vacant stare.

I don't know what to do about Ed. I've tried to pick up the phone and contact him, but I can't risk it. I can't risk the let down.

Ed's POV

I miss her. I need her. The red tour ended tonight and what she didn't know was I was all the way up in the nose bleeders just to see her. She was  phenomenal. The way her eyes lit up during long live. I miss her so much. I've seen her a few times in public and all I've managed to do is act like she's nothing to me, but she's everything. As I'm walking to my car I quickly run back and find one of her security. I hand them the copy of plus I had brought to give her. I put the note inside it and asked him to Taylor. He knew what had happened. He hessitated, but in my state of desparation he said he'd give it to her.

"You know Ed, she's really going through a tough time." He told me.

"I figured as much. Just give that to her and tell her I love her, please. It's my only option left."

"I will."

I began to walk away when he said something.

"I hope it works out Ed. You and her."

"Thanks Joe."

Yay! So I wanted to tell you guys that updates will be slowing down. I've began school so the workload will be on it's way and also I have a lot of other things I've started and I really wanna start them because I'm so happy about them because I see a really great future for all of them. If I'm honest it's really hard for me to only be doing on thing at a time. Since I started this is pretty much the only writing I've done so I'd like to start my other projects so this story might be updating slower, don't worry it's not going on hold just taking a slower pace.

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