Chapter 16- The night before

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Taylor's POV

Today is the 23rd, so that means tomorrow is Christmas. Me and have already finished decorating the house and the tree. My parents and my brother are coming tomorrow for dinner and they're going to stay till Christmas morning. Then in the afternoon we're hoping on my jet and going to England to visit Ed's family. I'm really nervous. I haven't seen Ed's mom since my emotional breakdown. (A/n: I forgot to write this in, but lets just pretend I did and say that in the chapter called Collateral Damage Tay had a nervous breakdown.) I bonded with Ed's dad while I was in the hospital because he decided to stay for moral support for Ed, but I hadn't seen his mom. Mostly because Ed might have told her to "stay the fuck away from Taylor or I will never speak to you again" To quote him. Ed wasn't fond of the idea of me having to see her, but I feel that it's important for me to spend Christmas with his family since we're getting married.

Right now I'm out getting presents for people. I got a Rolex watches for Matt and Austin, some fishing equipment for my dad, and I made my mom a needle point and painted her something. Ed got the gifts for his parents and his grandparents. I'm quite worried to meet his grandparents too. Apparently his grandmom is very old fashioned and she's already giving Ed some flack about us living together and his grandfather has alzheimer's. I'm not so much scared of meeting him, as I am of getting attached to him. Ed says his health has been pretty bad and also his disease is very severe. I just know how painful it'll be to see Ed's face if his grandfather can't remember him. I go to the check out line and quickly by my gifts. I think I'm going to get away unnoticed, but the cashier, a girl who looked about 17 asks for a picture. I gladly oblige. After we take the picture I pull out a piece of paper I have in my purse and sign it.

"What;s your name hun?"

"I'm Bella. Thank you so much. I hate that I held you up, it's just you've helped me through a lot of hard times and I've dreamed of meeting you and telling you that for 7 years." She had a few tears in her eyes. At this point one of her co-workers had kindly moved into her station and we were near the door.

"Please don't cry, love." I noticed her arms were covered in a few scars.

"Please don't do that to yourself. I hate knowing that people do that. Especially someone so young and kind."

All I got were a few tears and a hug.

"Tell you what... why don't you meet me at the starbucks right near here tomorrow morning at 8? You can bring as many people as you want and we'll talk ok?"

"Thank you so much!" was all she managed to say.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow!"

I hugged her and left the jolly store that had been filled with holiday music and lights, into the frigid, snowy outdoors. I closed my jacket tighter around my skinny frame. I ran to my car careful not bang the gifts around too much. My car was at the farest end of the mall parking lot. I kept trying to run as fast as I could in my heeled boots. I was almost to my car when I slipped in a sheet of ice. I felt a twist in my ankle.


I carefully got up, feeling a bit of pain in my ankle as I applied pressure to it. I limped to my car and unlocked it. I put my bags in the passenger seat and sat down in the drivers seat. I started the car turning the heat on full blast and the seat warmers on high. I decided to stop at starbucks on my way. After driving a few miles down the road I finally got to my destination. I quickly made my way in there and ordered a Gingerbread Latte or myself and a peppermint hot chocolate for Ed. I got the quickly and got out as fast as I could to avoid being spotted. I love my fans, but I had a lot on my mind right now.  I'm just really stressed about facing Ed's mom. What was she going to say to me? Would she approve of Ed and I? These thoughts ran through my head as I drove home. When I finally came out of me thoughts I saw a small deer in the road. I quickly swerved and my car spun out.

A/N: Do you hate me yet?

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