Ain't it Funny Rumors Fly?

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The headline reads: Has Taylor gained weight or are her and Ed hiding something from us? I roll my eyes as Ed saunters in and takes the magazine with our faces plastered on the front from my hands.

"Here we go again." He says and then drops the trassy gossip in the trash.

"I was going to read that you know."

"Yes, but not only do I have to worry about you, now you're carrying my kid so absolutely no un-warranted stress young lady."

"I just wanna know what they're saying!"

"They think you're pregant, which you are. That's it."

"You know what's funny. The rumors these days are said terribly and cruel, but most of them are true."

"True, but what they say about us isn't our problem so let's go for a walk in Times Square and have some yogurt."

"You expect me to do that with an album coming out in 3 days? I have to film stuff."

"Ugh. So when are we announcing this?"


"That you're pregnant."

"I was thinking Ellen. Which I film today."

"Will I be there for this?"

"What if we film a video and I'll have her play it?"

"Perfect is it okay with Trre?"


I pull out my phone and we begin filming the video.

"Hey guys! So along with being really stoked for you guys to FINALLY hear 1989.....ED and I have something to tell you." At the same time we shout: "We're having a baby!" We smiled and Ed held the camera as I showed them my slightly pertruding belly and gave them a hand heart and then Ed gave them a thumbs up.

I sent it right over to the ellen show and asked them not to tell Ellen because Ed and I wanted to tell her. I got dressed and made up. Luckily I had about a month or so where I'd still be able to get away with my crop tops and tight little skirts. Ed held my hand as we went to the car. Ed and I got in the car and embarked to Ellen as we were tailed by the security team. On the way, I listened to shake it off just so Idon't wind up forgeting a word or something. Pregnancy brain was already settling in and I was taking no chances.

We soon arrived and people piled in. Soon I was preforming and then sitting with Ellen. We talked and showed videos of mere and live aka dibbles. Then before I knew it, it was time to tell the world what had been Ed and I's special secret from everyone, but our families.

"So Taylor, I believe you had one more special annoucment for us?"

I heard a girl in the crowd yell "Tour dates please!"

"No not tour dates yet! But I think you guys will, well hopefully be excited about this because I'm very very very exstatic about it!"

Then the video rolled. Me and Ed's faces on the screen and the second the words "We're having a baby." left my lips everyone lost their chill. Ellen hugged me and Ed came out and the fans in the audience were crying.

After a while things calmed down a little.

"SO that happened." I said finally.

A few questions were asked and then Ed and I headed out for a meal and then headed home after the insane day.

That night as we watched crime shows Ed kept stealing kisses.

"What's up Teddy?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I'm just loving life right now. It's like everything I've ever wanted has been handed to me in the form of a stunner tall blonde girl named Taylor Alison Swift."

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