Chapter 6- Haunted

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Taylor was treated for dehydration, starvation, and her wounds in the hospital. She had to stay for a week to make sure she was healing well and also to check her mental health after being in such a traumatic situation. After her week in the hospital she went and stayed with Abi until the following Monday when Ed got home. Taylor was worried because since the Jake thing happened being around men scared her a lot. She longed to be in Ed's arms where she was always safe, but she was also afraid of him. She'd have to tell everything that happened eventually, but she was frightened. She hadn't even told Abi or Selena everything.

Ed's POV 

I'm currently on my jet heading home. I'm afraid of what state I'll find Taylor in. I'm scared she''ll be scared of me. Or that she won't talk again. I hear the pilot come on the intercom and say we're heading for landing and to buckle up. I sit back and fiddle with my hands until about 10 or 20 minutes later when we're finally unboarding. I grab my bags and get off then the plane. Then I go find my car in the carpark and get on my way home.

Taylor's POV 

I'm sitting on the couch in shorts and a tee shirt waiting for Ed. I can't wait to see him. I'll finally have him to soothe me when I have the nightmares I've been having. Soon he comes in. I go over to hug him and then a flash of the time he hurt me came over my eyes. I see him walking toward me. I back away until i hit the wall. It hurts, but i have to get away. I try to run, but my weak body falls to the ground. He stops and kneels down.

"Taylor, hey it's me. I'm not goona hurt you I promise." 

"I'm sorry." I cry.

"It's ok. I'm here."

I crawl to his arms and kiss him. He carries me upstairs and lays me down. Then he goes and brings up his suitcase. He opens it and pulls out a billion papers. 

"In my meet and greets a bunch of fans brought letters for both of us. Wanna read them?"


We spend the whole day reading the letters and my mind gets off all the bad stuff for a while. We eat dinner and decide to head to bed early. We get pj's on and then get under the covers. We start kissing and it gets heated I'm enjoying it until the thought of being slightly coherent when Jake was "doing what he wanted" with me comes. I push Ed off and get up.

"I can't, I can't, I can't." I shout and run downstairs.

I sit on the couch breaking down. The words Jake said and images of what he did to me play on a loop in my head. Ed comes down and causiously comes and sits down next to me. He scoops me into his arms.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have started that. I didn't think it would scare you. I don't know what happened while you were stuck there and you don't have to tell me now, but i should've used my head. I'm sorry love."

"It's ok. But I think I need to tell you what happened. So you know and so I can get it out."

A/n here it is! I know again that this is happening in a lot of sweeran fanfics, but I tried to change it up so ya. You might notice that on the last chapter and this chapter I decided to make Jake the villan instead of Harry. I realized a lot of you were 1D fans and I didn't wanna offend you so I made it Jake. AND CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT FOR HOW FLAWLESS TAY LOOKED AT THE MET GALA? AND THAT THIS FANDOM NOTICES EVERY DETAIL INCLUDING WHERE MERE ATTACKED THE DRESS?! Anyway Vote and Comment! 5 Comments for an update!

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