Chapter 23- With Your Body Next to Mine

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A/N: There's on particular part in her that I italicized because even though it's not really important to the story it's a really beautiful moment and I think it should be payed attention to. For any of you wondering where that came from it's kinda a thing in my family. When we find feathers in odd places we like to think of them as a sign that our fallen loved ones are watching over us so yeah. These last couple chapters have a lot of inspration from my family! :)

Ed's POV

I woke up to the sound of sirens blaring and a huge commotion outside my door. Taylor was gone so I glanced to the clock. 3 AM. Something was wrong. I got up and rushed out to the hall just in time to see my Pop on a strecher. Everyone was crying. I ran to my fiance.

"Taylor what's happening?"

"Your grandfather is having a heart attack. They're taking him to the hospital." I burst into tears. He was fine today. How could this be happening?

"Come on Ed let's follow them to the hospital."

We hopped in the car with his parents, grandmother, and brother. We sped to the hospital and once Pop was stablilized we were allowed to visit him in groups of 2. Matt went, then mom and dad, then Taylor, then grandma, then me. I sat and just talked to him. It was strange he started remebering things. Lots of them. Almost like his whole life was coming back to him.

"You know Ed that fiance of yours is really amazing. She was telling me about you and how much you did for her. And she sang me this song she wrote that she said reminded her of your Nana and I. I think she said it was called Mary's song."

"Yeah I know that one. Do you want me to go get her and we'll both sit and talk to you?"

"Yes please. And tell grandma that when you're done I want to see her one last one."

"What do you mean one last time?"

"Ed we both know I'm on my way out. I know it'll hurt all of you, but I've lived a good life and we'll see eachother again someday." This hit me hard, but he was right.

I walked out and got Taylor. I told grandma and everyone else what Pop had said. They all started to cry, but I knew that Pop wouldn't want us too. I sent Taylor in and quickly asked the doctor if Pop was going to be ok. He told me that what Pop said was most likely true. Being that this was special circumstance the doctor said he would allow the whole family to go sit in the room. All we could do now was celebrate the fact that he was getting back all these memories before he passed. We all walked into the room standing around him. Nana sat on the bed and he grabbed her hand.

As the chatting went on we could see little by little his skin was paleing and his heart rate was going down. We just all talked about memories and happy things. 

"Pop I started this song for you. Would you mind if I sang it for you?"

"I'd love it if you did."

I didn't have my guitar so I just started singing it. 

Things were all good yesterday

And then the devil took your memory

And if you fell to your death today

I hope that heaven is your resting place

I heard the doctors put your chest in pain

But then that could've been the medicine

And now you're lying in the bed again

Either way I'll cry with the rest of them

And my father told me, son

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