Chapter 17: Christmas Cookies and Gingerbread Lattes

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Taylor's POV

My car spun to the side. Luckily I didn't hit anything, but my heart was pounding. Tears spilled over the brims of my eyes as I descended down the road to my home. I got there in a few minutes and headed straight to the extremly decorated kitchen. I placed down the drinks and stood with the small of my back against the counter top. I don't exactly know why, but I just started weeping. I guess it was just a lot of pent up stress. In the midst of my breakdown, Ed had come and pulled my in his embrace. He was wearing a hideous Christmas sweater and smelled of all things winter.

"What's the matter, snowflake." He had been calling me that since the begining of the holiday season.

"I'm ok. My car spun on the way home, just a bit shaken and stressed about going to England."

"Oh my god! Why didn't you call me?! I would've come and gotten you. Are you ok did you hit anything? How did you spin?"

"I was driving down the road and a little fawn was standing there and I was a little side tracked and I swerved to avoid it and I guess my car went over some ice. I didn't hit anything and yes I'm ok."

"Thank god your ok. Now what's this about England?"

"I'm just really nervous to face your mom."

"We don't have to go love! I told you I'm not keen on the idea anyway."

"NO I wanna go, I'm just afraid."

"It'll be ok, snowflake."

"I know. Thank you. NOW. It is time to make cookies!"

"What kind?"

"I'm thinking of trying a hybrid recipe. chocolate, vanilla, and eggnog batter! Of course with candy cane bits" (Note I just thought of holiday things I have no idea if that would be good or not *insert laughing emoji*)

"That sounds... DELICIOUS!"


We walk to the baking cabinet. I get out the ingredients while Ed preheats the oven. I pull out the carton of eggnog from the fridge and begin making the three batchs of batters. It takes abouy an hour and our cookies are fianlly done.


I wake up at 6:58. I get out of bed, carefully removing Ed's are from around my waist. I got out and showered. I then blow dried it, trying to straighten it as I did so. I threw on a cable knit sweater and some leggings. I grabbed my  purse, making sure my wallet was inside. I hopped into my car and reluctantly started it. I reached starbucks after a quick 5 minute drive in the sleet. As I walked in I saw the girl along with two other girls and one guy. 

"Hey y'all!" I said as I sauntered to them.

After about ten minutes of fangirling and introduction from the 3 new people we finally went over and got out drinks. Half of us got hot chocolate and the rest got gingerbread lattes. I paid for everyone since, well I have millions of dollars and these people were just teens.

"So Taylor, what are you doing for the holiday?"

"Well my parents are drving up from hendersonville for tonight and then Ed and I are flying out to England tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh that's cool." Bella and her friends all said. 

"So um what are you guys doing?"

"Well Jack and I are going to sped the night with my parents and then we're going to go spend Christmas morning with his parents." Bella shared.

"and I'm going to just stay home with my mom and little brother." Sarah said.

"And I'm just going to spend the day with my parents. I have to work tonight." Jane said.

"Sounds like a great holiday to me!"

We spent the next hour just talking and laughing. These were some great people. I found out that all of them were 18 and all of them were going to the university of Deleware. That school was random, but they all seemed excited. I took some pictures with them and then gave them my number, I figured I'd like to hang with them again and they promised they wouldn't blow my phone up all the time. After some hugs We all departed to go be with our families. Now time to go home and start the food for tonight.

A/N: 5 comments for an update!

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