Chapter 21- Afire Love

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Taylor's POV

After dinner everyone went back to the family room except for Nana, Ed, and I. We stayed behind and did every single dish from dinner. It took awhile, but it wasn't too bad. I appreciated Ed helping out. After all the dishes where finished we went out to sit with the rest of the family. Nana went and sat next to pop with her hand intertwined into his. John and Imogen where the same way. Ed and I returned to the window seat where a few hours ago we where watching Love Actually. I was on his lap and we sat all of us talking. Matt had gone to someone's house.

"So how exactly did you and Ed meet?" Nana asked.

"Well at the time I was writing my album and I had heard the A team on the radio. I wound up downloading his album and I just thought to myself 'my god this boy had got the voice of an angel! I have to write with him' so I had my label call his label and we set up a session. He came over and we just really hit it off. And I guess it just kinda turned into something more. he helped me through a tough time, saved my life really and I fell hard for him."

"Well I'm just so glad that you and Eddy found eachother." Nana said.

"I am too." Ed smiled to me.

"So I'd like to hear the story of how you and Pop met. I mean you've been together for 65 years. You've gotta have a secret." Ed said adjusting in his seat.

(A/n: bear with me. This will probably suck. Oh hey you know what I'll use my grandparents story! I would backspace this but i don't wanna. consider this a behind the scenes of writing this.) "Well we actually met in highschool. We started dating senior year and we wound up marrying when we were 25. It's not the greatest of stories, but it's ours to hold on to in our old age. And I have years worth of memories I could tell you. I guess one that really sticks out is for almost every night for years after we got married every night he would hold me in his arms and sing "Darling, hold me in your arms the way you did last night And we'll lie inside for a little while, here oh I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up And we're wrapped in light, in life, in love Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut For they're designed to be together, oh With your body next to mine our hearts will beat as one And we're set alight, we're afire love"

"That's beautiful." I told her.

"Yeah it is." Ed agreed.

"Well I think it's time for Pop and I to head in for the night. Right Mitch?"

"Yes dear." They both got up and headed to the second guest room. 

After saying goodnight to Ed's parents we all went to our seprate quarters. Ed and I sat and talked. He decided to write down his Nana's story. He said he wanted to try to make it into a song. After he finished he and I cuddled together and fell into slumber.

A/N: I'm sorry this is so short! This is kind of a filler chapter because I wanted this to be in here. The next chapter might also be a bit of a filler, but after that we'll be heading back to some more important stuff! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this! I couldn't think of a good story of how the grandparents met so I used my grandparents story because the hopeless romantic in me thinks that a highschool romance that lasts over 50 years is amazing. P.S. I found out Ed's grandfather's name is bill so I'm sorry I got the name wrong!

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