Chapter 7- With Time

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Ed's POV 

Taylor and I are sitting on the couch. Slowly and with some tears she tells me in detail what happened while Jake had her. I can't help, but have tears in my eyes as yet again she unravels in front of me. I'm tired of everyone ruining her. I know without her telling me, she's having thoughts again. She has to be going crazy on the inside. At last she is to the end of the list of every completely fucked up, sick thing he did to her. I embrace her being careful not to hit her bruises.

"I promise you I'm gonna protect you. I'm not going to let him or anyone else get to you. I don't care how long it takes, we're gonna get through this and past it with time. I know you need time to heal mentally and physical, but I'm going to be there while that happens and after. And when you're ready we're going to get married."

"I love you so much." Tears stream down her face and she nuzzles in to me.

"I love you too. Why don't we go up to bed?"


She went to get up and she walked about 3 steps them doubled over.


I jumped up and ran over

"Taylor are you ok?!"

"Ya... Just sore."

"Taylor tell me the truth."

"Really. I've just been kinda lying about how much pain im in."

"Taylor why?"

"I didn't want you to worry."

"Taylor you need to tell me everything ok?"

"Ok. Now can we just go to bed?"


Me and taylor continued slowly walking to the stairs. We're going up the steps and she doubles over again screaming out loudly in pain.

"Taylor are you sure you're ok?"

"I don't know what's wrong. I'm in a ton of pain in general, but every so often I get this pain in my mid-section and feels like I'm being stabbed, but it's also like a buring tearing feeling."

"Lift up your shirt."

She lifted up her shirt and all I saw was dark purple bruises.

"Where they this dark before?"


"We're going to the hospital!"

I picked her up and put her in the car. Then sped there. I picked her up and carried her in. They got her a room immeadiatly. After some tests they said that her rib was broken and the must've not seen it before. We waited for more tests.

"It's going to be ok." Taylor consoled me, but I think she was trying more to convince herself.

About 10 minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Well it seems there is a tear in the tissue of Ms.Swift's mid-section and some bleeding. We'll need to preform a mild sugery, but she'll be able to leave by tomorrow."

"Ok." Taylor said.

"Alright are you ok to go to prep now?"


"Ok we'll be in to get you in five minutes."

Taylor and I shared a kiss and I told her I loved her and everything would be ok. Then she was wheeled to surgery.

A/N: Just wanted to let y'all know that updates will be slowing down! Please vote and comment!

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