Chapter 25- The funeral (Part 2 of 3)

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Ed's POV

I put on my best suit. I look in the mirror and adjust my collar.  My eyes look dark, not their usual blue. I looked over at Taylor she was putting on some eyeliner and drak colored lipstick.  I saw her stare at her wrists. I saw 2 fresh cuts. When she had locked herself in the bathroom last night I knew what she was doing. I knew it would do nothing but upset her to tell her I knew. I'm going to keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn't happen again. She pulled the sleeve of her dress back down. She stood up and started reading over her speech. I knew she was nervous about this whole thing. She hasn't been to many funerals.

"Taylor I know."

"Know what?"

"That you harmed yourself again."

"I'm sorry." She started to cry.

"It's a one time thing right? You're not gonna start again?"

"Yeah. One time. That's it."

"Okay well let's forget it happened then." She nodded.

I take my speech out and read over it. It was quite lengthy.  It's been hard for me. I never thought they would leave this quick. I know Taylor's going through the worst of it. She really did fall in love with them and I know being around and seeing how depressed we all are kills her. I know it does. I can see her crumbling on the inside, yet somehow on the outside she manages to stay tied together with a smile. 

I check my watch. It's time to leave for the funeral. 

"Come on Taylor, it's time to go." She looks up at me with red teary eyes and nods.

I pull her into my side and we walk to the rest of the family. We all somberly make our way to the car. My dad starts it up and begins driving to our destination. Once we've arrived we go in and help the rest of the family who's there set everything up for the service that will happen in an hour. Taylor takes out the collage that we made of pictures of them and sets it on the table. She also sets the blanket she made pop and the needle point she made Nana on the table. She sort of just stands there as we all set up. She wasn't sure of what to do. I got lost in the things we were doing and didn't realize she had disappeared. Worried I excused myself to find her. I wondered aimlessly down the halls of the funeral home. I heard a sob and followed the noise into a backroom.

I walked in to see a ball of black fabric and blone hair shattered on the floor. I walked to her and pulled her into my lap.

"Shhh Taylor it's alright. Just cry it out."

"NO it's not alright! I'm supposed to be the strong one for once in this damn relationship and I can't even hold myself together through this. I knew them for a week. A WEEK! And I'm ripped to shreds. I can't do this anymore. I can't finally get myself pieced together only to be torn down again. It's not fair to you or anyone!"

"Taylor your doing a fine job. I knew you were going to grow close to them. That's just who you are. You have secrets that I found are the reason you're guarded, but you also wear your heart on your sleeve. And I love that about you. It's alright to cry, heck even my dad who is the strongest guy I know does sometimes.  In fact tears remind you that you're alive. You don't need to wipe your eyes and be strong for me. We can be strong for eachother."

"I love you Ed. With all of my heart."

"I'm most definitely sure I love you more."

"I don't think so."

"Alright well let's go. We have to greet."

"You really want me to greet? No one knows me."

"I'm pretty damned sure everyone knows who you are."

"Yeah, but they don't KNOW me."

"True, but I do and you're my family now so get your ass up and come with me." She laughed at my joking tone.

"Alright bossy."

"but before we go, I'm going to need a kiss." She leaned in and touched her lips to mine. I smiled into it. 

We walked hand in hand. We stood in front of the door to the room that the service would be held in. We stood there getting and giving condolences. Everyone was kind to Taylor luckily. Soon everyone was seated inside the room. My father and his siblings went up one by one. Then my mother and her siblings. Matt when next and then it was my turn. Taylor squeezed my hands and sent me up. I hadn't let anyone hear this speech yet, not even Taylor so I was quite nervous. I approached the stand.

"So as I'm sure everyone knows, my grandfather had Alzheimer's the last 20 years of his life. That being said I never really got to spend much time that I can remember with him before the devil took his memory from him. I never really got to make many memories with him because he could rarely even remember my face." I teared up. "But what I do know is that, whether he had his memory or not he was a great man. My idol in fact. And my grandmother. Well she just amazed me. She was so kind and loving. Sure she was a little old fashioned, but that helped me stay grounded, taught me right from wrong. I know that I disappointed her with some of the things I did, but she always forgave me and helped me learn. And I miss them quite a bit. And the week before they each passed I was here on holiday visit and she told my fiance and I this beautiful story of her and my grandfather and I really held onto the words she spoke of. Not only are they my idols as far as who I want to be, but I someday want to have a love like theirs. The kind that lasts forever, that has a never dulling spark.  And I think I found that and knowing that the two of them died almost at the same time, even though it's tragic, it's an epic love story of a love that will never end. And so I guess what I'm getting at is that they wouldn't want us here crying, they'd want us to celebrate them and their amazing love story." I smiled through tearstained cheeks at everyone and departed the podium.

I sat down and taylor leaned into me.

"That was beautiful." She whispered. I just smiled at her.

Taylor's POV

"Taylor do you want to go up my dear?" Imogen asked me.


I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me. I approch the mic with my speech in hand. I stand there and get my thoughts together before I begin talking.

"Hi. Well I didn't really know Mary or Mitchel very well. I only meet them a week before they passed, but I guess I did know them well. From the moment I met them they accepted me with open arms. They were both such amazingly kind people and I wish they would have been in my like longer than they were. Mitchel was such a sweet gentle man and even though he couldn't very well remember who I was, he was still so kind to me. Everytime I'd have to re introduce myself he'd shake my hand or hug me. And I know that his disease was painful for all of us, but he was happy. He could only remember the good. And I think he knew who we were he just had a hard time putting names to faces and faces to memories. In his final moments he said some really beautiful things to me. He told me how he wished great sucess for me and a lot of other amazing things. I know I didn't really know him, but I feel like I did. And I miss him greatly. At least we all know he's in a better place. And Mary. She was so amazing. Untill her last day she showed such love towards everyone and I got close to her really quickly. I think she was the lose that struck everyone hardest. Because she was here one moment and nothing, but a beloved memory the next. But I think that it's good that she didn't have to go a day without her true love. And man their love. I only dream of having one like that someday." I was crying hard now so I walked off and back to Ed. He hugged me.

"That was amazing snowflake."

Ed's POV

 We watched a few more speeches and then everyone stood to sing a church song. Everyone went to their vehicles to head to the graveyard for the burial. On the way there I got the final lyrics for Afire Love. It took a bit to get everything pieced together, but I did it just in time. On the way over it began raining. Today was going to be all around gloomy.

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