Chapter 22- Custard and House Hunting

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Ed's POV

I woke up to an empty  room. I figured Taylor was eating some breakfast so I threw on some clothes and went to the kitchen. Taylor was sitting at the table with cereal and tea. My whole family was eating their various breakfasts as well. I went and grabbed some cereal and tea and then sat next to Taylor.

"So Pop do you still want to get some custard today?"

"Ooo custard that sounds good." He said just as excited as he had the day before.

"And after that I made some appointments to go see the houses I thought Taylor and I would like does everyone want to come?"

"Sure." They all agreed.

We finished eating and everyone went to get ready. Taylor showered and put on her makeup, that she looked just fine without. Soon everyone was ready and we piled into my mom's SUV. We drove to the community custard place and got our custards. We all sat outside enjoying them. When we all finished we headed to the first house. We looked at 10 houses that day and wound up agreeing on the 7th one. It was pretty big with lots of rooms and a large kitchen. Taylor adored the kitchen and I wanted that for her and the fact that it had a lot of  rooms was perfect, seeing as Taylor and I both wanted to have an army of little fluorescent children.

We signed some of the papers and set up an appointment for before we left to handle everything else. Luckily the house had been on the market for awhile so it was already cleaned out and the owner was just ready to get rid of it. We found out that the family selling it was in a bit of a bind money wise so Taylor decided to pay an extra few thousand for it to help them out. That was the Taylor  I knew and loved. When we all got home we sat and watched movies. I had a lot of fun hanging with my grandparents. They're going home in 2 days and I don't think I'm ready to see them go though. I've missed them.

A/N: I'm so so so so sorry this is so short! Like I said this is a filler so yeah. I have lots of ideas, but I didn't want to combine them in this chapter. A lot of my ideas are for the far up future of this book and I'm having trouble taking this whole thing from point A to point B. I would highly appreciate if you commented some ideas, thanks! And also I'm looking for co-writers for Teardrops on My Guitar again! DM me if you are interested! love you!

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