You're my best friend

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The doctor rubs the machine over my slightly swollen belly. I'm 13 weeks along and everything has been great. A little nausea, Ed and I are just ecstatic. The doctor tells us that everything is fine and we get to gear the heartbeat. It's wonderful, and indescribable. I can't believe I'm a soon to be mother. It's not the best timing, but I can put everything aside. Family before everything.  Once we finish we got out to the car and the driver starts taking us home. On the way Ed and I listen to my album and he helps me with secret messages. We finished them finally. I like how these ones came out. They tell a story of me and Ed's love affair and a few about other things/people. I read them the check for fluency. We begin our story in New York. There once was a girl who was known by everyone and no one. She loved someone who couldn't stay. They loved each other recklessly. They paid the price. She danced to forget him. He drove past her street each night. She made friends and enemies. He saw her only in his dreams. Then one day he came back. Timing is a funny thing you know. And everyone was watching. She lost him, but she found herself and somehow that was everything. Perfect. Ed loved it too.

"Do you like it  too baby?" He asked my belly.

He's adorable. He's going to be the best daddy.

We went home and took a cat nap before getting up and goting for a swim and then cozying in for a Friends marathon. I've been super hungry lately so Ed went and bought us some fast food since I've been eating super healthy and was craving some fatty food. We ate and returned to cuddling on the bed with the firplace burning and the cats snuggled up with us. Soon at around 10 we both fall asleep. 

I woke up at 3 and ran to the bathroom. This was why I wasn't eating fatty foods. I've been getting sick like crazy since i got pregnant. Once I knew I was done I crawled back to bed and just laid there. Ed woke up looking at me, strange look across his face. He looked at me and whispered "You're my best friend." Then he went back to sleep. And I knew what it was. He is in love.

So you guys were going mental for an update, I'm talking commenting on my instagram and everything! So here is a nice cute chapter for you peeps. CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT 1989 BECAUSE IM DEAD I DIED RIP ME NOT OKAY! AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT THIS STORY HAS 14K READS BECAUSE I DIED AGAIN WHEN I SAW THAT ASDFGHJKL

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