Chapter 24- The Viewing (P.1 of 3)

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Taylor's Pov

 I slid on my black dress. Then I walked to the mirror and put on some liquid liner and a deep plum lipstick. Ed was sitting on the bed in his rented tux. It's been a week since Nana and Pop's passing. Ed and I had each prepared speeches for the funeral that was being held tomorrow. I hadn't planned on making a speech seeing as I wasn't officially a part of the family, but Ed and his parent had asked me to and I wasn't going to deny them. Especially in a time like this. I sat myself down next to Ed and opened my speech reading it so I wouldn't spend the whole time looking down. Ed pulled his out as well. It was decided by all the relatives planning this double viewing and funeral that Ed and I would be singing tomorrow at the burial. We were both hesitant, we didn't feel that this was a time for us to be performing. Though the family wanted us to seeing as pop had so enjoyed it in his last hours.

I stood up when I heard the calling of Imogen, a twang of grief to her voice. Ed got up and grabbed my hand. He looked to me with tired, yet sympathetic eyes. He knew this was hitting me hard too. I had quickly grown to love his grandparents, just as I loved my own and just as quickly God had taken them. I knew lately Ed hadn't been feeling his most Christian, but that's to be expected. I was just trying to have enough faith for both our hearts. Neither of us were much for religion, we had kinda left it behind when fame found us. Not because the bright lights had taken it, but it's hard to be religious when in the public eye. I mean it's better to just hide it so you don't have people constantly trying to question you or change your views.

"Taylor are you sure you want to come? You don't have to. It's just the viewing."

"Ed I want to be there for the family and I want to say goodbye to Nana. I never said a proper one."

"Okay. If you're sure."

"Are you still wanting to perform tomorrow? I'm sure they'd understand if we said no."

"Yeah we'll do it if your okay. I feel I owe it to Pop. He would have wanted it."

"Ok. I just feel a little wrong singing while he's their being you know..." I trailed.

"I know I do to. But it'll be easier if we just follow everyone's wishes."

"Yeah so what should we sing?" 

"I wish I had Afire Love done."

"Yeah. Who knows maybe tomorrow will give you the closure to finish it."


"I was thinking maybe we'll sing-" I was cut of by John's calling. We started walking to the family area.

"I was thinking Autumn leaves." Ed told me.

"Sounds according."

We all piled into the car. It was about a 20 minute drive so we all sat in silence. then John spoke up.

"So Ed how's the album coming?"

"Ok. I've got about 4 songs that are definite. I've written about 4 albums worth of songs, but I have a lot of songs that are started that i think will be good when I finish them. You know me I do everything last minute. I've got a deadline of when  I have to decide things by. I'm sure I'l write some good ones so I'm prolonging as longs as I can."

"That's nice to hear."

The car when back to quiet. Ed had me cuddled into him. I could feel a tear fall onto my shoulder. I looked at Ed to see the silent dears that rolled down his pale face. I know matt saw too, so he patted Ed's shoulder. Out of everyone John and Ed were taking the worst of it. Okay I was taking it really hard too. Not only had I lost them, but I was watching Ed crumple in front of me. I just have to put on a brave face for Ed. He doesn't need to worry about me too.

We soon pull up to the funeral home. Everyone takes a deep breath and gets out of the car. Ed grabs my hand and we walk in sync to the door of the establishment. Ed opens the door and holds it for everyone and once again takes my hand into his. We walk and sit in the little area where there were seats and some drinks. All the Sheeran's friends and family was in there. Some making small talk, some keeping quietly to themselves. We went around just giving our condolences. I felt bad in a way. Surely Ed hadn't wanted to introduce me in this setting. We were thinking more of a lunch.

Soon after Ed's parents had gone to bid farwell Ed started to approach them. I wasn't sure if he wanted me along or not. I just sort of stood,waiting to see what he wanted of me. Before he walked in he looked back and motioned for me to come. I meandered through the buckets of people.  We walked in to see the two caskets next to eachother. Ed started crying at the sight. He pulled himself together and went too pop's casket. I went to nana's. Ed said his words and I began to say mine.

"Hey nana. So I know I only knew you for a short number of days, but I love you. You were so kind to me and I really appreciate that. I hope right now your with Pop. I know Ed misses you and I do too. In fact I miss you a lot. I'm sorry I didn't get more time with you. I love you."

I finished and then talked to pop as well. Ed and I both walked out, seeing them had broken both of us to the core.

 A/N: Should the next chapter be in Taylor's or Ed's POV?

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