Chapter 27: Drunk

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Ed's POV 

Taylor and I stepped off the plane. We pulled out suitcases behind us as we walked off. We meandered through the private airport and to the car that would be taking us home. Our gaurds put everything in the trunk for us and we got in. The drive was spent in complete silence. We had left 2 days post funeral. It was all too much to be there. The funeral really put Taylor over the edge. I could see the depression creeping back in her. She was shutting me out again, putting a brave face for me to try to keep me together. Sure I'm sad. I lost my grandparents, but there's nothing I can do and being depressed isn't going to do a hell of a thing for me. We walk into our home and plop onto the couch. We sat in silence, the only noise was the bickering of the kardashians on our Tele screen.

Taylor was sitting there looking down at her legs.

"Taylor?" No answer. "Taylor?" no answer. "Taylor?!"


"God damn it Taylor! I understand you're going through a loss, but so am I. Sitting here and being depressed isn't going to do anyone a damn bit of good. Just I understand your sad, but you're not going to shut me out again! I can't go through it again, shit I'm not going to. It's too hard to watch and see! I want to be here for you, but I can't if this is going to happen! Talk about it and move past it!" She was crying.

"I'm sorry ok!  I can't help this. It's my way of dealing with things, it may not be good, but it's what I do! You know what, I can't do this. I'm going out. Don't follow me." She got up and grabbed her bag.

"Where the fuck are you going?!"

"I told you. Out." She replied coldly.

I tried to grab her, but the door was slammed leaving nothing but a gust of air and a cloud of confusion and regret at how harsh I had been. I wasn't sure where she was going, or what she was doing, but I decided to just let this storm pass. She'd return safe and sound within the hour. She was probably just taking a nice stroll like she did from time to time when she was upset or she was sitting in some beautiful scenery writing a song in the notebook which had a permanent home in her bag.

Taylor's POV

I spent about 20 minutes just wondering around when I found myself in front of a small Nashville bar. I hessitated, but decided to go in. I mean I am 24, and plus there's not paparazzi here to get photos and ruin my image. Just one or two could free my mind.

I walk in and sit at the bar. This place was pretty nice. FIlled with twenty somethings. Dancing with all the other sweaty bodies on the small dance area. I looked up to see the bar tender standing there. 

"What's a matter princess?"

"Oh just had a loss in the family."

"Sorry to hear that, why don't I get you something nice to drink. It'll help."

"Okay thanks."

He pulled out a bottle of patron and a shot glass. He poured it and then sent it sliding to me. I pick it up and tilt my head back. It burns as it goes down, but I immeadiatly feel the relief it brings.

"I'll take another of those... or another 4."

He pours 3 three and leaves them with me. I take them one by one. Then I got 3 more. At this point i was tipsy to say the least.

"How much are these going to cost?"


I hand him a 100 dollar bill and tell him the rest is a tip. He hands me 3 more shots and goes back to do other things. I drink them and then gather my things to leave. As I stumble outside the cold hits me. I shruge my coat back on and find myself wondering. I had a lot too many, but I feel great. I'll be feeling this tomorrow.  

I see cars zooming past me blurily. I walk and and almost fall in front of a car. This could be how it ends, I feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream. Everything is fading out. I keep walking helplessly. I pull out my phone trying to find a ride home. Anyone, but Ed. I somehow wind up calling Taylor. Yes that one.

"Taylor?!" He asked.

"Hey, I need a ride." 

"God damn it are you drunk?"

"Maybe." I giggle.

"Alright are you in Nashville?"


"Okay I'll call Ed. Where are you?"

"NO don't call Ed. I want you to get me."

"You are so lucky I happen to be in Nashville right now. Where are you?" He asked exasperated.

"I don't know. I'm think I'm near the blurbird. I'm near the main road."

"Alright I'll find you."

Taylor Lautner's POV

I pull up to see a mess of blonde hair, keds and sweater on the ground. Taylor. I was utterally shocked when she called me. I mean she broke my heart, that's not exactly a call you expect from someone who broke your heart. 

I get out and help her to my car. She's beyond trashed.

"Hey Taylor!" She slurs to me.

"Hey come on let's get you home." I pull her over my shoulder.

I place her in the passanger seat of my car and then get in my side. I try to talk to her, but get nothing, but stupidly drunk replies. She's passed out in no time so i grab her phone, doing the password I remembered her having and called Ed.

"Taylor are you okay? It's 2!"

"Hey it's Taylor just not the one you wanted to hear from."

"What is god's name are you doing with her phone?"

"Well she called me and asked me to pick her up, she's beyond trashed. I was gonna call you, but she asked me to get her. I'm bringing her to her house are you there?"

"Yeah I am. Thanks I'll see you soon."

"Yeah no problem bye." We hung up.

 Ed's POV

I stand outside when I see a car pull up. I run out and see both the Taylor's.

"Hey Ed." He says to me.

"Hey is she okay?"

"I think so, trashed, but okay."

I open the door and pick her up and carry her in. Taylor drives away and I take Taylor to be where I can watch her.

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