Chapter 17: Major Adjustments

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One Month Later

"How do you feel now that the video has been taken down," Janelle asked me. "I'm blown that it took them this long to take it down."

"Right. Like who knew Ronny was such a tech genius that they'd actually have a problem encrypting the code to remove it from the internet?" Janelle teased. I laughed. "Yeah. Who knew. Anyway," I said giving my attention back to Janelle's original question, "it still bothers me that everyone has seen me naked. How will I be able to live that down?"

"At least no one else can see it now."

"Girl I don't know how many people saved that video onto their phones or computers. People could still have access to it."

"What is the matter with you girl? Focus on the positive Alyssa."

"You right. I'm sorry. I'm just bummed that the school suspended me, because I gave them too much negative attention. It wasn't even my fault. They didn't even penalize Ron or Ronny, the real culprits. Man. To be honest I might just transfer all together."

"A fresh start could be good."

"I hope so, because this whole situation blows. I'm trynna graduate on time and I can't do that if I'm suspened." I sucked my teeth. "Prescott can kiss my ass and while they at it they can give my daddy his money back. I'm really ticked off at them for doing me like that."

"Everyone was disappointed about the outcome of the situation, even Ronny and that's saying something. I heard she tried to vouch for you and everything."

"That was nice of her."

"So like, are y'all friends now or what?"

"We're something," I laughed. "I don't think we're quite friends yet. Maybe more so acquaintances. We speak when we see each other. Sometimes we even hold conversations."

"Wow. That's definitely a big improvement from where y'all started."

"Right," I laughed.

"So what about Ron. Have you heard from him?"

"Oh. You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"They put him in a mental institution. I think it's the best thing for him right now. He can finally get the help he needs. I am thinking about visiting him though. I haven't decided yet."

"Wow. Are you ready for that?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since the incident. I don't know what kind of emotions will come up if I see him."

"So this'll be a pretty big step for you."

I nodded my head. "Yep."

Janelle checked the time on her phone. "Shit. I gotta go. I have to be in class in ten minutes and I'm fifteen minutes away." She gathered her belongings. "Call ya later," she asked as she stood to leave. "Yeah," I said as she scurried off. "Later."

I sighed and sat back in my seat in thought. "Is this seat taken," someone asked me interrupting my thoughts. I shielded my eyes from the sun as I looked up at them. There was a brown skin man in his early fifties standing in front of me. "Not anymore," I smiled as I stood up to greet him. "What are you doing here dad!"

He laughed gleefully. "I'm here to see my beautiful daughter."

"How'd you know where I'd be?"

"Your mother got in contact with Janelle and well, the rest is history."

I grinned. "I am really glad to see you. Is mom here too?"

"Yeah, she's shopping around here somewhere. I always lose track of her."

"Of course she is. She can't help it."

"We just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing. We know that the past month or so has been rough on you and we can only imagine what you're going through now given the current situation."

"Thanks dad. I really appreciate y'all."

"Oh yeah. We can tell by how much you call us," he teased.

"Aw dad it's not like that," I laughed. "Y'all are very important people and y'all hard to reach."

"Okay. I can understand that," he laughed. "We do have a lot on our plates. It's still not an excuse for us though."

"And we plan to do better." I turned around and saw my mom standing behind me.

"Hey mommy," I said as I eagerly got out of my chair to give her a hug. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too honey. How you holding up?"

"As well as can be expected," I said as I sat back down. I couldn't stop grinning. "This is such a surprise. I'm so happy to see y'all." They laughed.

"We wanted a little family time without the havoc of your siblings around. Y'all drive your mother and I crazy when y'all together so we gotta visit y'all on separate occasions." I laughed. "Aw come on dad. You love it when we're all together."

"That's a lie. I can't handle all of y'all shenanigans at once."

"I should call them up here just for that, but out of all of us, Terrance is the worst though. Nothing can prepare you for his foolery." We all laughed. My parents knew it was true.

"So Alyssa we want to take you out to dinner tomorrow tonight. Anybody special you want to invite," my mom asked.

"Aw. Here you go fishing for information. Why won't you just ask me if I'm seeing somebody?"

"Are you seeing somebody," she asked quickly.

I laughed. "I am. As a matter of fact I told y'all about him."

"Yeah. Kevin. I remember," my dad said chiming in. "We'd like to meet him; find out if he's as good as you say he is."

"Oh my goodness daddy. Please don't get all stern, military dad on me. He's a really great guy. You'll love him." Him and my mom gave me the side-eye. "That's exactly what Keyona said before I met a guy she was dating. Hated him." I laughed. "Key was so mad. You barely gave him a chance."

"Because I hated him."

"You are ruthless," I chuckled.

"I gotta be. I have daughters."


My dad raised his glass in acknowledgment.

"Just please be nice dad."

"I'm always nice," he said with a straight face. "Goodbye dad. I'm done with you." He laughed.

My mom looked between the both of us and smiled. "Well Lys I hate to end this so soon, but we've scheduled massages at three and have to get going," my mom said. "Oh so this trip also doubles as a mini vacation. I see," I teased. My mom laughed. "How about you and Janelle meet up with me later and we'll go shopping or something."

"Okay ma."

I stood up along with my parents. We grabbed our belongings and headed out to the parking lot together. When we arrived at my parents car we hugged each other before going our separate ways.

"See ya later," my mom said wrapping her arms around me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I cheesed.

I reached over and gave my dad a hug. He squeezed me tight. "See ya tomorrow at dinner. Don't be late."

"I wouldn't dare," I grinned. "I love you dad."

"Love you too, Alyssa."

"Drive safe," I shouted out behind them as they got in the car.

"Who do you take us for? Two irresponsible adults," my dad joked.

"That's exactly right," I laughed.

My parents laughed. "Bye Alyssa," they said just before shutting the car doors and pulling off.

I walked a few rows over to my car and got in. This week is certainly going to be one that I won't forget, I said to myself as I pulled off.

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