Chapter Five.

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Lunch with Demi.

Waking up the Friday following my charity event. I'm finally meeting Demi for lunch after our meet up at my event. I heard a lot more about Demi and her girlfriend, apparently they've been dating for a while a little after the incident with us in the club.

I drive to the restaurant that isn't in town. Which gives us a little bit more privacy I arrive and Demi is already there "Hey, I'm not late, right?" I ask, Demi looks up "I'm just early" She smiles, she stands to hug me, I hug her back before we sit down. For the majority of the lunch we make small talk about my charity event, her girlfriend, Marissa and even our friendship, she brings up that she perhaps shouldn't of kissed me knowing my relation to her best friend, and she also admits that she kind of took advantage of the fact that I was drunk, which I accept her and forgive, we all make mistakes. I ask her about her studio work as she mentions she's bringing a new album out. It's really nice to just chat and not have to worry about paparazzi snapping us every second.

"We should most definitely hang out more often, I really enjoyed today and I really enjoy your company!" I state, Demi smiles "Me too, I think we should go to the movies one time, of course out of town and perhaps watch the new movie 'My Friend Dahmer' that is such a good storyline and I would really love to see the movie" Demi replies, I accept and we agree to plan this over text or maybe coffee early next week. I get in my car as she waves me off before entering her own vehicle and driving off.

"Hey sweetheart, we saw a few headlines today, about your charity event and about you and Demi now dating? We don't care or want to be involved in your love life but are you sure you're ready for a new relationship, so soon after Paris?" My mom speaks, I look at her "What are you talking about?" I ask, she grabs her IPad and shows me the headlines "Demi Lovato and Sophia Jessica-Rose Parker spotted again - Has Demi moved on from Lauren?" I look at my mom "I'm not dating her, we went out for Lunch, out of town, how did they find us? Why can't I have a normal life where I can not be known for being your guys daughter? Why is that all I'm known for? Paris not once cared about your fame and fortune and not once cared about who my family were, but cared about your souls and your personalities and she loved me for that. Why can't Demi be my friend for my soul and me as a person and not for your fame and fortune" I ask, my mom looks at me "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She looks at me "You're not. I hate the life you life mom, I just want a normal life. I just want to love someone without being headlined... Maybe this is why Paris died" I say, tears streaming down my face "I never meant to do anything but support you financially, all my life I have been unstable until I did something I loved and got paid for it. I never meant to drag you and your brother down, I am sorry Sophia, I am" She says, I look at her before walking upstairs. I pack some stuff and call James and ask him if I can stay with him for a little break before coming home really living over in New York, he quickly agrees and I go downstairs "I'm leaving..." I say to my parents "Where to? Sophia, are you sure?" My father asks "I'm going to stay with James for a few days, I'll keep in touch. Bye guys" I smile weakly, before leaving. I drive over to Marissa's and take my bag as I've left some stuff at hers "Hey, come in Demi's here" She says, I smile and step in setting my bag down "Going somewhere?" She chuckles, I look at her "You're going now aren't you? You're leaving to New York now... Sophia no, it's too soon" I hear her say, I see Demi come through to the hallway "What's going on?" Demi asks "This is your fault, if you hadn't of asked to meet her again, she would've stayed. Why would you be so insensitive, she's my fucking cousin, now she's leaving because of you, Demi" Marissa says, crying and pushing Demi. I sigh "Marissa?" I say "Marissa?" I repeat "For god sake Marissa, quit it and let me talk" I say getting between the two of them. "I'm not leaving, well I am but not for good. Just for a couple of days, I'm going to see James and I'm gonna stay with him for a little. Demi, I saw the headlines and to make it clear to everyone in this house, we are not dating, we are and will never be nothing more than friends. I'm not pissed at you for the paparazzi, this is NOT your fault at all. I just need to get away from LA for a bit and I need to take some time to tour America a little" I say, Marissa looks at me and then Demi "I'm sorry, Demz" She says, Demi smiles and accepts her apology. Marissa heads to change her face a little as I promised to stay for a little while "Hey, I know this is weird but there's this beautiful small village that leads into a beautiful park in New York, depending on how long your staying I could fly out and show you it, it's so beautiful and nobody and I promise nobody will find us, I'll even restrict the area off for 'Building Works' that's if you'd like of course, I don't want to sound too invested" I hear Demi say, I look up and look at her and chuckle a little "I'm going to be there for 5 business days and if that fits your schedule I'd love for you to come and show me that, I definitely want to take some pictures while I'm there, especially this time of year. You can come Wednesday to Friday and we can fly back together, his condo is more than big enough, if that's okay with you?" I say, Demi looks at me shocked by my answer "Definitely, I'll get it sorted with my team almost immediately. Thank you for giving our friendship a chance, I won't let you down Soph" I hear Demi say, I smile and look at her "I have all faith that you won't let me down Demi" I say smiling... Almost as soon as Marissa returns I decide I should leave as I'm catching the 5:30 flight and it's almost 3, and I need to go through customs and all that busy stuff. I hug both my cousin and Demi before putting my bag and access stuff from Marissa's house in my car. "I'll call as often as possible and I'll see you Wednesday, Demi. Be safe guys and look after my dog, Rissa" I say, she chuckles and Marissa wipes her tears. They wave me off as I speed down the road to LAX. I'm SO ready for this break.

Hey guys.

Firstly I am so sorry about the delay on this chapter, I've been so busy with finals before Christmas Break. I will be up to speed next week. I also plan to update my other books (Triple Take and If I Had If My Way) by Tuesday/Wednesday this week.

Secondly I hope  you enjoyed this chapter, it seems Sophia and Demi are going to be alone in New York together, will Demi 'ruin' it or will they be able to have a great friendship now? Is she really ready to move her feelings on from Paris, or will her deceased partner forever hold her back?

Don't forget to vote as it's a way of feedback for me, it lets me know I'm doing a good job.

Also, comment any ideas or thoughts you have, I will always reply to comments and DM's.

All love, M x

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