Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry , but we have to break you." I said grazing the pig's back. I always had a soft spot for animals-fake or real. This was one of the many piggy banks that we used to save up money to go on that one cruise. The European Cruise.

This cruise was the best. We would stop at many places and better yet, on this cruise they took their time with everything. Instead of a one day stop it could be for two or more days. This was probably the longest cruise.

"Get away from the pig!" my best friend, Hailey, yelled. She had a hammer in her hand and was about to break it. I moved out of the way and she made her move.

We were best friends for life and no one could ever get between us. We barely had any fights and we always supported each other. She was really pretty, that sometimes I wish I had her hazel eyes. Yeah, Hailey had hazel eyes and long, straight, brown hair that went to the middle of her back. Pretty, right?

On the other hand, I hated my hair and my eyes. They were green and my hair was dark brown, which I dyed red. My hair was straight, but it only went a little bit past my shoulders. Hailey's hair was long and elegant. I absolutely adored it.

Our personalities were quite different too. What can I say; opposites do attract. I was a go with the flow type of person. If someone was nice to me, I would be nice to them. If someone annoyed me I would annoy them. If someone---you get the point. Most of the time I'm nice and quiet, but when someone makes me mad I snap.

Hailey was like my personal body guard. She would snap at a guy if he was ever bothering me or making fun of me. She could be mean, but to me she could be the nicest person ever. You just don't want to get on her bad side because that is not a pretty side. Heck one time I even got on her bad side and it was horrid.

We also had different family opinions too. She thought her parents were annoying and doesn't keep in touch with them. Don't tell her, but I sometimes keep her parents updated. I love my parents and I keep in touch with them all the time. I go to visit every weekend since there mansion is like a town away.

Hailey comes along because she really loves the fried chicken my mom makes. At first she thought it was spicy. It really did make her cry in the bathroom, but now she's gotten used to it. I laughed at that thought.

"What are you laughing at?" Hailey asked me.

"Just remembering the time you ate mum's really spicy chicken." I said.

"Hey she even said that she added extra spice in it because you said I liked spicy food." Hailey said. I just laughed in response.

"Zoey, can you do the next one?" she asked taking a seat on the kitchen table.

"Careful we don't want to break that." I said walking over to the pig. I smashed it and started separating the money from the pieces of plastic pig.

"Hey I won't break the table." she said getting off of it.

"Who wants the honors of breaking the last one?" I said.

"Me!" Hailey exclaimed.

"It's all yours." I said walking to the couch and plopping down. "Can you imagine that we're going to be leaving our beautiful flat for a month or more?" I asked.

"Believe it. The cruise will be amazing." she said getting excited.

"Of course it is. I'm going to go call my mom." I said.

"You tell your parents everything." Hailey said.

"Yeah of course. I bet your parents want to know what you're up to too. Just don't tell them about your nights with those men. They wouldn't want to hear about that." I said walking into my room.

"Shut up! Don't lie about that! Remember our promise. We only sleep with a guy after dating them for a year or more." she said probably annoyed.

I dialed the number and the phone started to ring. "Hello." I heard my mom say.

"Mum, Hailey and I made enough money to go on that cruise!" I exclaimed.

"That's great. Oh and I have good news for you too." she said.

"Tell me." I said.

"Amanda is pregnant!" she exclaimed. A smile crept onto my face. She was pregnant. Tears rolled down my eyes. Not really, but I was happy and ready eyed. This was the best!

Amanda was my only sister. She was 25 while I just turned 18. Hailey is 19 and she was my legal guardian until I became an adult.

I sniffled and said "That's amazing news! I'm going to be an aunt!" I said to her.

"I know and I'm going to be a grandmother." she said.

"I'm so happy." I said.

"Well you'll have double the happiness when your pregnant. So have you talked to Alex about it?" she asked. Alex had been my boyfriend for six months.

"No. I don't want to get married yet. Have you heard of an 18 year old getting married? " I said.

"I know but after you become 20." she gushed.

"I don't know." I said.

"No way. You have to get married. I want to carry your child in my arms too."

"Mom can we talk about Amanda's pregnancy? I don't want to talk about me. I'll come visit before I go on the cruise." I said.

"I have to go now, but we'll talk when you come over." she said hanging up.

I turned around and saw Hailey staring at me. "Your mom wants you to have a baby."

"Yeah she does, but listen to this." I said.

"Wait before you say anything, I just want to know, do you plan on getting married and having a baby?" she asked.

"What! No. I don't know. Maybe. I'm so confused." I said.

"Sit down." she said. I did as she said and she followed me. "So tell me what you think about all of this pregnancy stuff."

"Well the thing is that my mom wants me to get pregnant and get married. I don't know. I plan on being single, but I don't want to let my mom down. I'm afraid of marriage. Maybe it's because I haven't found that someone. For now I really don't know. Plus my mom is exaggerating herself. Since when is it good that an 18 year old is pregnant." I said laughing at the end.

"The feeling is mutual. I guess your mom just wants to be a grandma and she wants what's best for you in life." Hailey said.

"Well if that's what you think my mom wants then I guess your right. Maybe it was in the spur of the moment, since Amanda is pregnant." I said.

"She's pregnant!" Hailey exclaimed.

"Yeah she is and I'm going to be an aunt soon!" I said.

"We should go meet them." Hailey said.

"After we book tickets for our cruise." I said walking to our computer.


"This is so slow!" Hailey exclaimed kicking the heart of the computer. She grimaced at the pain and I laughed.

"That's what you get for kicking the computer. Just be a little bit patient." I said.

"Zoey I want some of your mum's fried chicken so I'm gonna go ahead." Hailey said walking out the door.

"Save me some too." I said as I focused on the loading screen. Just a couple more minutes until our tickets where booked. I smiled. We had ocean view rooms that were right next to each other. This was gonna be the best vacation ever.

Suddenly the computer seat flashed and sent me the notification that they were booked. I printed out the papers and shut off the computer. I knew that Hailey wouldn't save me any of mum's fried chicken so I ate a sandwich before leaving.

I locked the door and turned around. My mouth fell open when I noticed that there was a huge crowd across the street. I walked closer and noticed five boys come out of a limo. They had there backs to me so I decided to just ignore them. I slid out of the crowd and walked to my car.

I turned on the engine and drove to mum's place. Those five guys were new. Maybe they just moved in. I thought back to what mum did when Hailey's parents moved next door. She brought pie to them. No way, I won't bring them pie; that's too weird especially since they're guys.

I slipped my sunglasses on to avoid the sun. I drove to Hailey's parent's place first to give them a hint of what was going on. They didn't live next door to us anymore. I then drove to my second home and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and I was attacked by a...kid?

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