Chapter 26

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I slowly got up and walked to the door. How could I face him now after I said such awful things to him? Soon the door opened and I saw those wide hazel eyes looking at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I don't know what to do." I said. My eyes were becoming watery and I tried to hold them back.

She closed the door behind her and led me to the bed. I sat down with me legs in a criss cross apple sauce position. Hailey sat down on the edge and looked at me waiting for me to start my explanation.

"I told Louis something horrible."

"What did you say? I'm sure it wasn't that bad." she responded trying to cheer me up.

"Well I said that he should stop pulling me around places and that I can also walk by myself. I also told him to stop touching me."

"Wait Louis touched you? Where?" she asked her eyes gaining wide. I tapped on my arm and she sighed. "You idiot. If he touches your arm and pulls you to places; how is that wrong? It was only in a friendly way."

"It isn't wrong. It was all me. Every time he touches me my heart beats faster and I become red. It's nothing to him. He just thinks of me as an ordinary girl." I said.

"Ok look. To be honest, I think you should just go and say sorry. Also I think it's time to tell him your feelings."

"No! Well I am going to say sorry, but never in my life will I say that I like him." I said.

"It's your choice. Now let's go take a swim, eat fruit, and build a sign in the sand." she said pulling me towards the door.

We walked straight into the boys and I looked at Louis. We made eye contact for a second and he turned away. This is bad. He really hates me now. Will he even want to talk to me?

"So let's head to the waterfall since we're all present." Harry said grabbing Hailey's arm and pulling her out the shack. I walked behind them and noticed that their hands were now linked together, like a jigsaw puzzle.

With the corner of my eye, I saw Louis: hands in his pockets and looking anywhere, but me. If we were in this type of situation before I said that, it wouldn't be like this. We would constantly be talking and having a laugh.

This was a completely different side of Louis and it was all my fault that this happened.


I dipped my feet in the water and stared at the waterfall. It looked so pretty; there was a rainbow curving on the top of it. I stared at it for some time until I heard a voice say " Zoey get in the water. It isn't deep and you can walk in it."

I looked at where the voice was coming from and saw Hailey waving. "I think I'll pass." I said.

"Suit yourself, it's really refreshing!" she exclaimed back.

"I'm sure it is!" I exclaimed standing up in the water. I walked towards it. If I could do this, than maybe I could gain a step closer on conquering my fear.

"That's it. Your doing it!" exclaimed a husky voice. I felt something brush my leg and when I looked down I saw a blue fish. I bent down to see it more clearly.

"Zoey, don't stop now. Get over here." said Hailey.

"I'm coming. Hold on." I said getting up and gaining my balance. The water was up to my knees now and I could feel the ground.

"It's ok. Just keep walking." I muttered to myself as I took a deep breath. I took another step forward stepping on something other than the ground. I immediately lost balance and fell.

Midair I felt a hand pull me back up and when I was standing I opened my eyes to see Louis. He took his hand back and before I could even say a word he left saying "Sorry."

I saw his back going towards the others and I was shocked. Why did he say sorry? Then it all clicked. His hand on my bare back and what I said this morning. That's why.

Tears were now brimming at my water line. He hated me and I couldn't blame him. The guilt was coming. Heck, it already started. I hate this.



After we ate some fruit we decided to get some sticks and stones. Harry and Louis had gone to get some sticks. Zoey was looking depressed.

"Zoey did something bad happen?" I asked.

"Nope I'm dandy!" she exclaimed.

"Stop lying." I said.

"It was sarcasm. Anyway he hates me. I fell terrible." she said in a short simple explanation.

"That's it. You are going to go and apologize to him. Tell him how you really feel. I'm sure he will understand." I said with a stern look.

"I think I will, but not today. I don't think he will listen." she responded gaining a confident look.

"Good now help build this sign." she said. "Oh and stop being so pouty today. Smile and look beautiful. Btw, you look awesome with brown hair." I said winking at her, just as the boys came back with a handful of sticks and rocks.

"Let's get to work!" Harry exclaimed with a cheeky grin. Soon the hands were working nonstop and the sign was forming. It would be finished sooner or later and Liam, Zayn, and Niall would definitely know that we were missing. They would come soon.

Liam's Pov:

"God Bless You." Zayn said staring out the window searching for a sign, indicating where the others were.

"I bet that was your girlfriend." Niall said. "She misses you."

"I have a feeling that it's Harry and the rest." I said.

"Maybe." Zayn said. "We should find them soon, especially since the manager decided to cut our vacation short."

"Liam, what happens if we don't find them today?" Niall asked.

"Not much. We have two days left until the interview and concert." I stated.

"Yeah, but do you think they are ok?" Zayn asked a look of worry on his face.

"Of course. Zoey and Hailey are with them too. If it was only those two idiots, then I would be worried." I said with a fake smile. Actually, I was really worried. Who knew where they were?

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