Chapter 8

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"So you need the card to your room?" Hailey asked. She was in her pink pajamas and her hair wasn't a mess.

"Yep. That's why I'm standing in front of you, still wearing yesterday's clothes." I replied.

"I get it. So where did you sleep? Last time I saw you, you were with Louis." she said going to the counter, where my card was.

"I slept with him." I said calmly. Then it hit me. That sounded really dirty. Hailey smirked and I added "Don't get any wrong ideas. I had clothes on and he..." I trailed off.

"He was definitely shirtless. You can tell." she said, coming back to the front.

"Yeah." I muttered. Before she could say something else I walked back to my room.



"Harry!!" I exclaimed, walking into his room.

"Louis." he stated. "How was your sleep?" he asked, with a smirk on his face.

"Harry you know I'm not like that. Nothing happened. She was already asleep and then I just fell asleep next to her." I replied.

"I bet you were staring at her." he said.

"I was not!" I exclaimed. I plopped down on his bed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Anyway Louis, she has a boyfriend."

"Yeah I know, but the thing is that she doesn't see him as husband material."

"What about boyfriend material?" he said sitting down besides me.

"I don't know. I really like her. She is pretty, she has an amazing personality, and she..." I started.

"I get it. You like Zoey." he said.

"What about you? Harry, I know you hate going on really long walks so how come you walked at least three miles to the cruise with Hailey." I said redirecting the topic.

"I just wanted to talk to her, get to know her." he said.

"Let's go to the pool!" Zayn exclaimed. Ever since he overcame his fear, he loves the pool. He still can't swim very well, but Liam is teaching him.

"No let's go on the water slides!" Niall said.

"Let's just do both!" I exclaimed heading to my room.



"I'm not going near the pool." I said remembering what happened two days ago.

"We're not. Just go on the water slides. The water below isn't deep." Hailey said encouraging me to go up the stairs.

"No you know I can't. You know what happened in Brighton." I said.

"Yes I know, but nothing will happen. Please trust me. I'll help you overcome this fear." she said.

"I just can't." I said going back down the stairs. The people that were going up to get on the water slide we're blocked by me.

"It would be easier to go down through the slide." Hailey yelled. I maneuvered my way down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"I'm going back to my room." I said.

"No, you're not." Louis said. "You're riding down the slide with me."

"I thought I was your partner!" Harry exclaimed.

"Hailey is going alone too." I suggested.

"I'll see you two on the other side." Harry said walking past people to get to Hailey. I then face palmed myself. Now, I had no reason to back out.

"I think he likes Hailey." I said as we moved up a step.

"Wait." I said as I stopped in my track. "I'm suppose to be going back down."

"Not anymore. Come on we're really close." he said.

"Louis no, I really just can't."

"Why not?" he asked.

"I can't swim. I just can't." I stated.

"Yes you can. The water is only a couple of feet deep. I'll be right next to you and if you fall, I'll catch you like I did at the pool." he said with a grin.

"Come on! You're holding up the line." I heard someone behind us say. I saw the others right behind us.

"When did you guys..." I was cut off by a lifeguard pulling me to a side. "Wait." I said before I was placed into a seat. Fear was on my face. Louis sat down beside me and the guy released us.

It soon got dark and all I could hear was water running and screams of joy. I clutched onto Louis as we slid down on a hill.

"Scream, shout, do anything, but just don't cry." Louis whispered into my ear. Soon the top part of the slide opened and now I could see everything. This was a really long slide.

I was still clutching onto him until the whole thing was over. We landed into the water, but I was still on the tube.

I carefully got off first and ran to the surface. Louis was right; it wasn't deep.

"Was that fun?" Louis asked.

"I guess." I said.

"Do you want to try the other one?" he asked.

"Nope." I said as I started my way to the bar. I didn't want a drink, especially after getting over the hangover. I just wanted a place where my heartbeat could gain its pace.

"Come on. This one is shorter and it will be the same as the other one." Louis said taking a seat next to me.

"Louis why are you after me? Just go get another girl and go on water slides with her." I said.

"I can't." he said in a whisper.

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"I saw you!" Hailey exclaimed.

"When did you get..."

"You went on the water slide." Harry said.

"Yeah. I was kind of forced on it." I stated eyeing Louis.

"Hey the lifeguard also pushed you into it and he sent us down. Not all my fault." he said with a grin.

"Yeah anyway did you too have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah we did! Harry did come out of nowhere, but I'm glad I rode it with him. It was really fun!" she exclaimed.

"I'm glad you guys had fun, but Zoey here wouldn't get her hands off of me." Louis said. Harry and Hailey raised there eyebrows.

"I was scared, so I was holding onto him for dear life." I said giving Louis death glares. I got up and headed inside the cruise.


"I was just joking around!!!" Louis exclaimed as he grabbed my shoulder.

"Zoey!" he exclaimed.

"Louis I'm not mad. I know it was a joke. I just want to go to my room and go play some golf." I said.

"All by yourself?" he asked.

"No, with a guy named Louis." I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah sure. Let's go." I said leading him to our room floor.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now