Chapter 17

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"Land!" I exclaimed as we touched the wood pier. It had been three days of nonstop sea. To tell you the truth I was kind of getting a little sick of it. The moment I touched land my faced lit up.

During those three days, I didn't hear from Louis at all. If I saw him on the cruise by the time I got to him he disappeared. Hailey and Harry had been hanging out which left me all alone. I didn't mind though because she was really happy with him. Plus I had a feeling they liked each other.

"Zoey I'm talking to you." said a voice behind me. I turned around to see Louis.

"Huh... Oh sorry I was spaced out." I said.

"Thinking about me?" he asked with a smirk.

"Actually yes. I was worried because I didn't see you for three days." I said.

"Sorry." he quickly apologized.

"Anyway what do you want?" I asked. "You were saying something right?"

"Yeah do you want to go to the Louvre with everyone?" he asked.

"Yeah I was actually going to go there today." I said.

"Alone?" he asked noticing Hailey wasn't with me.

"Yeah because Hailey and Harry get along really well. So I like to leave them alone." I said.

"Oh we'll there coming with us for this." he said. He turned around and signaled something with his fingers.

Soon they came off the boat and headed in our direction. "Do you guys always do that?" I asked.

"Nope only on special circumstances." Zayn said.

"Oh ok then. Now let's go see some paintings." I said.


The Louvre was just really big. It was designed as a pyramid and in the night sky it looked really pretty. Did I tell you that we landed at 5:00?

Anyway the light on the pyramid also aluminized the sky showing more stars then usual. It was surrounded by the Louvre Palace and everything looked so perfect. "Don't be so shocked. You haven't seen the Eiffel Tower yet?" Louis whispered into my ear which left me with a tinkling feeling in my spine.

I jumped away from him. He had his hand on his mouth and he was obviously laughing. "Don't ever do that again!" I exclaimed getting flustered. This was not good. If Louis kept all of this up I would soon fall head over heels in love with him.

To change the topic Hailey said "Zoey you had to go to the bathroom right."

"Ugh yeah I did." I said playing along for some reason.

"Well there is one right there. Let's go." she said pulling me in.

"We will be out in a couple of minutes." I said.

When we got into the bathroom, she pushed me in the handicap stall. She came in and locked the door. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I have to tell you something. For the past three days I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't." she said.

"You like Harry." I stated.

"The thing is I like...huh you knew. Since when?"

"Since the day we met them. You got along with him a lot." I said.

"Oh yeah well I like him. Do you think he likes me?" she asked getting nervous.

"Yeah I think he does. If he takes you out tomorrow or something I have a hunch that he does." I said.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now