Chapter 27

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a person who comments for every chapter. kwlgurl4: keep commenting!


We were all constantly looking everywhere to find some sort of life below. I was starting to get a headache due to this horrible noise that the bloody helicopter was making.

"It's no use." Niall said.

"We've looked everywhere for them." Zayn said holding his head up with his hands.

"Listen we can't give up. The manager even gave us an extra day off because the scheduling was changed. We have to find them today or else it's all over. One Direction can't be One Direction without them." I lectured.

"We know that Liam. We also know that they are not at sea. Most likely on an island." Zayn said.

"Then let's check islands!" Niall exclaimed.

"Zoey and Hailey are smart enough to put a sign or signal indicating where they are. So just try to look for a sign." I said.

"Let's do this." Zayn and Niall said looking out for anything indicating that they were still alive.

Think positive. They definitely are alive.


So far we had been stuck on this island for two days...or was it three? Day one was when we came here and day two was when we built the sign. Day three was yesterday, so that meant today was day four.

Yesterday, I was suppose to tell Louis, but I kind of backed down. I was scared. I never really confessed to anyone before and I also didn't know how to say a sincere apology.

But today was different. I was confident and was ready for anything. Plus Hailey would help me by getting us alone together.

I really want to talk to Louis and the only way to do that was to tell him my true feelings and obviously say a sincere sorry.

"Zoey, are you even listening to me?" asked a voice. I blinked out of my thoughts and looked at Hailey. We were all sitting around a fire and it was getting darker. If I could guess, it was probably around 8:00.

"Wait, what?" I asked confused.

"Never mind, I'll just go find some." she said getting up.

"Wait, find what?" I asked.

"I'm going to help her." Harry said running off. This just became awkward. I looked at Hailey who turned around and gave me a wink.

That wink was indicating that this was my last chance. I started. "Louis can we talk?" I asked.

He looked at me with a serious face. Since he didn't say anything I continued. "Louis I'm sorry." I said. "The only reason I don't want you to touch me is because..." I trailed off.

"Because?" he asked.

"Do you hate me?" I asked.

"Why would you think like that?" he asked.

"No I--never mind. Louis this isn't easy to say. I've never even done this before." I started.

"Done what?" he asked.

"Before I say that, I just want you to know that I am really sorry. I had reasons for saying that, but I'm embarrassed to tell you. It was stupid of me to say that. All you did was hold my arm and I made a big fuss. I really am sorry and this isn't really going as I planned." I ranted on causing him to chuckle.

"It's ok, but what I'm wondering about is why you took this long to say this?"

"Well I just kind of wanted you to cool down." I responded weakly.

"Your horrible at this. Anyway I got what your trying to say so let's just move on." he said.

This time I grabbed his hand and said "I have to tell you something else. This is more important than anything."

"Sure go ahead."

"I want you to know that I--oh my god, Louis! Look it's a helicopter!" I exclaimed pointing at it.

"Where?" he asked.

I ignored him and started screaming and moving my hands, desperately trying to get its attention. I felt the need to shower and eat things other than fruit.

I saw ladders coming down and three people climbing down it. "Liam, Niall, Zayn!" Louis exclaimed running to them.

I walked to them and they asked "Where are Harry and Hailey?"

"They went to get wood." I said.

"Well we don't need that anymore." Louis said with a grin.

"I'm going to go find them." I said.

"I'll come with you. You three wait here." Louis said. We ran into the forest and walked for a couple of minutes.

"Were could they be?" I asked.

"What I really want to know is the really important thing you wanted to say to me." Louis said.

"It's not the important, maybe another time." I said trying to tear my gaze away from his blue eyes.

"Promise?" he asked.

"I promise." I repeated.

"Harry, maybe we should head back?" asked a voice.

"I think they can wait a little longer for firewood." he said.

"No I don't think so. Stop kissing me and let's go." she said.

"Nope." he replied probably pecking her even more.

"Harry." she sighed.

"Maybe we shouldn't interrupt this." I suggested to Louis. Too late. He led me to them and cleared his throat.

"Louis!" they both exclaimed.

"I'm here too." I reminded them.

"Oh and Zoey." they said.

"So in the end you two wanted alone time."

"We have to go back now!" Louis exclaimed.

"Why?" they asked.

"Because there's a giant bear chasing after us!" he exclaimed causing us all to run. I knew he was faking that to surprise them.

"Wouldn't it be better to fake death?" Harry asked.

"Just run!" I yelled.

"What's that noise?" Hailey asked.

When we got out of the clearing Harry said "I think I know what it is."

"Were saved!" I exclaimed.

"What happened to the bear?" Harry and Hailey asked looking back.

"Were on an island. Bears don't live here." I said.

"Any-who, let's go back home." Louis said.

We met up with the boys and boarded the helicopter. In a few hours we would be home. But would I have contact with Louis? My phone and basically everything is on that cruise. But then again Hailey and Harry are dating so then I would have contact with him.

"Oh and about all of our stuff, we kind of got it off the cruise and it's at the helicopter base." Liam said.

Well that solves the problem of not getting in contact with Louis. We could still stay friends, wait I have to confess my feelings first. I did promise him.

A/N: So they are all going back home. Now this is where all the drama will start. Chelsea and Alex will be coming back soon. Not really Alex, but there will be a reference about him. Oh and I hope you guys remember Kevin, he will also be important.

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