Chapter 22

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A/N: 1000+ reads. Yayyyyy! Anyway this is going to be the last upload since I can't upload when I'm on vacation where there is no wifi. I'll be back in like two weeks or something, I really don't know. Once I'm back I'll start uploading a chapter every day or try too. So enjoy this chapter and in like two weeks there will be more.


"Harry is a perverted boy, you never know." Louis said as he moved leaves out of our way.

"I wonder why your so calm."

"Maybe because I know that nothing is going to happen to us." he said.

"Hoe do you know that? What if there is a loose killer here?" I asked.

"Think about this in a positive way. No killer, just you and me exploring half of the island." he said.

"Maybe we shouldn't go inside the jungle anymore." I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Maybe because the leaves are getting thicker and it's also getting darker." I said.

"I found fruit!" he randomly exclaimed.

I looked at him and he said "All we have to do is get it down."

"Yeah, do you have a stick or something?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Like I'm going to be carrying a stick around with me." he said.

"No I meant, never mind. I found one." I said. I headed for the tree and threw it. The tree hit some fruit and and they fell down.

"How did you do that?" he asked. "Usually you can't get food down with one swing."

"Archery lessons and You need a good angle." I said grabbing some fruit.

"Let's head back." he said gathering the remaining fruit.

"I wonder what there doing?" I asked. It soon became dark and we didn't know where we were going. "Maybe we should have lit a fire or something."

"I have a flashlight." Louis said.

"Since when. How do you have a flash light with you?" I asked.

"Well I always have one. Just in case anything happens." he said switching it on.

"I was so close to bumping into that tree." I said.

"Shhhh. Do you hear that?" he asked in a whisper.

"What?" I questioned. We walked a little bit closer.

"I told you they would be snogging." he said causing both of them to jump.

"Really. While we're out here finding fruit your snogging." I said.

"Oh we were suppose to find fruit." Harry said.

"Hailey was the one to suggest it." I said.

"Well you guys did find fruit. Plus we also found something." she said looking around.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"We found sticks." she said holding up one.

"Only one?" I asked.

"Theres more, but we forgot where we put them." Harry said cheekily.

"Sure you did. Anyway we need a fire." Louis said.

"Louis and I will go find sticks so you two make the fire." Harry said.

"I just need a rock and a stick." I said looking at the ground.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now