Chapter 35

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A/N: the moment you all have been waiting for?

"It feels so good to be on my feet!" I exclaimed.

"Zoey. Can you stop jumping around? If you fall and break your leg again, you will be stuck in the hospital." Hailey warned me.

"No! I'll stop." I said.

A couple of days had passed by and I was out of this hospital. My memory had basically came back and my leg was now out of its cast. Plus my ribs were doing well. Only my arm was left.

"You never did tell me what you and Louis talked about on that day." she said eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well he forgave me and then I learned that Louis likes someone. We were both going to say who we fancied at the count of three, but then the nurse came in and we didn't." I said.

"Curse that nurse. You guys were so close to telling each other." she said.

"What are you talking about? I fancy Louis, but I don't know who Louis fancies. It could be anyone." I said.

"Well it could be you. You never know." Hailey said.

"Hailey, let's not talk about this anymore." I said stepping onto the street.

I felt the pull on my arm and I was pulled onto the sidewalk. "Look at both sides. There was a car coming." she said pointing to it driving by.

"Oops." I said.

"What do you mean 'oops'? I'm serious. You could die one day because of this. In that other accident, I have a feeling all of your seriousness left you." she said.

"No I think it's still with me." I said looking at both sides before running across the road. "See I can cross the street without getting hit!" I yelled.

Hailey crossed the street and we both continued to walk to the boys place. I rang the doorbell. "You know what, I'm just going to go and tell Louis about my feelings." I said.

"Go for it!" Hailey exclaimed.


After the accident Hailey had gained confidence which is very weird. Usually people lose confidence and gain traumas. The door opened and Harry had a grin.

"Look who's here." Harry said.

We walked in and sat on the couch. "How are you feeling Zoey?" they asked.

"Look I can walk now." she said getting up and showing them.

"Zoey, they can see that. How else did you get here?"

"Oh yeah." she said. Yeah she definitely lost some screws to her brain.

"Anyway, Hailey lets go." Harry said holding out his hand. I took it and we walked out of the house.


"Where is Kevin?" they asked.

"Oh he went back to my mum's place." I said.

"Niall and I are going to go check on him." Zayn said.

"I see that you guys are attached to him." I said.

"Yep." Niall said popping the 'p'.

"See ya." I said. Once they left I also noticed that Liam was gone.

"Where's Liam?" I asked.

"He is also on a date with his girlfriend." Louis said.

"Oh. You want to go somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure." Louis said. "Where?" he asked.

"Lets go...secret." I said winking at him. He gave me a smile and we both got into the car.

"I noticed that you stopped dying your hair red." he said.

"You and Hailey said that brown hair looks better on me." I said. I stopped the car at a stoplight and looked at him.

"We still are on one." he said.

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked.

"On the count of three we both tell each other who we like. We stopped at one." he said.

"Yeah that's true." I said laughing nervously. The light turned green ad I moved forward.

"One." he said. I glanced at him.

"Louis." I whispered as I opened the window to create noise.

"I couldn't hear what you said."

"I said it, now it's your turn." I said.

"Zoey." he said. I slammed on the breaks and turned to him.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"I said Zoey. I was going to ask you to close the window." he said.

"Oh." I said turning on the engine and driving. I closed the window.

"When you drive, you don't slam on the brakes. It makes you jerk forward." he said.

"Oh yeah. Your right." I said.

"Anyway where are we going?" he asked.

"Secret." I said.

"You know I hate secrets." he said.

"Well you have to get used to them." I said. "Life is a big secret. You never know what's coming." I said parking in the parking lot.

"I love you." Louis said.

Note from xstarbebex: Omg! I am equally dying like you guys. Louis has made the first step. Those three words you all had been waiting for. They came. Kind of a cliffhanger. Sorry. I uploaded two chapters. Dedicated to everyone that is reading this! Vote and comment!!!!!

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