Chapter 20

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"A club?" I asked.

"Yeah they have one." Louis said.

"We'll come!" Hailey exclaimed.

"So well see you in like ten minutes." Harry said.

"There girls, it's gonna take more than ten minutes." Zayn said smirking.

"It's on." I said running into my room. I took out a strapless silver dress which went to my knees. I slipped on silver flats. I would never wear high heels. I combed through my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I attached a silver bow to it and applied some lotion and powder. I added eyeliner and came back out.

"I win." I said a smirk appearing on my face. Suddenly I became insecure when I saw them staring at me.

"Not bad." Hailey said. "My turn."

"Aren't you boys going to get ready?" I asked without looking at them.

"We already are." Niall said.

I now looked at them all dressed up. "So how come you guys decided to go to a club today?" I asked.

"No reason. Just for fun." Liam said.

"Look who's here." Harry said grinning. I turned around to see Hailey in a black and silver sparkling dress.

"Ok well since we both got under ten minutes, I'm going to go change." I said. I felt a grip on my hand.

"Wait what do you mean your changing?" Louis asked.

"I don't really like this dress." I said.

"It looks really nice." Liam said.

"Yeah it does. Lets go now." Louis said pulling me to the elevator.

"Yeah just loosen up a bit today." Hailey said with a smile.



"One more." I said as I gulped down another shot of Vodka.

"Zoey, we don't want to get too drunk." Harry said.

"Harry just take it down." Louis said handing him a bottle.

"Hailey you take some too." I said.

"Harry lets go somewhere." she said grabbing my hand.

"Hailey I'm right here." he said grabbing her hand and leading her outside.

"Louis I'm going to go change." I said.

"Wait I'm coming too." he said.

"Your really perverted!" I exclaimed giggling after.

"Why are you going to go change?" he asked as we exited the elevator.

"I'm going to get a tan." I said grinning like a goof at him.

"Its midnight. We need to wait before we get a tan." he said. We reached my room and I fumbled with the lock until it opened. I struggled my way to my suit case and grabbed a bathing suit and some other things.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into the bathing suit and wore shorts and a top over it.

"Louis, wait! What if Hailey wants to get a tan too." I said.

"Then you better pack some things for her too." he said with a lopsided grin.

"Your right." I said as I grabbed a couple of clothes for her. Soon my head started to hurt as we stumbled our way to the deck.

"Louis look!" I exclaimed as I ran to the edge of the boat.

"What?" he asked.

"There's a really cozy bed here." I said looking down on it. "Even Harry and Hailey are in there."

I stepped into it and sat down next to them. They were watching the stars. "Hailey do you want to get a tan?" I asked as Louis sat in.

Soon I felt something in my stomach. This feeling was familiar. It felt like how you would feel when you went down a hill on a roller coaster.

I soon heard a splash and everything went black.

A/N: I'm unsure about this chapter, but I really don't know how a drunk person would act. Anyway enjoy. Vote and comment.

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