Chapter 53

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"Whatever is on your mind now just forget it and pay attention to this competition."

I just looked at Daniel. We were sitting side by side on the rocks and looking at the sea. "The only reason that you got third place was because half of them fell off the board and the rest were amateurs."

"But I don't know." I said. I didn't know what to say.

"You think that he is going to break up with you. Well don't worry about that, when that happens or more like if it happens then worry about it." he said.

"Also I hope I knocked some sense into you because after tomorrow it's the final. Good luck." he said getting up.

"Thanks Daniel, but I really don't know what's going to happen. My feelings are just jumbled up." I said.

"Let's head back now." he said.

Louis: (Thursday)

"Is the plane tickets booked?" Harry asked plopping on my bed.

"Yep. I really want to know what's going on over there."

"Well Hailey told me she made it to the finals, but barely."

"Tough competition?" I asked.

"It's because of you." he said.

"How?" I asked.

"You aren't talking anymore. You also ignored her yesterday too." Liam said popping out of no where.

"Thats because I don't want to give her hints about my surprise." I said.

"Clear everything up when we reach there." Liam said coming to the bed.

"It's time to go to the air port." Niall said carrying a bag of Doritos.

"Get Zayn. We have to get there soon." Liam said getting up.

Zoey: (Friday)

Today was the final in the competition. Today Louis was going to be giving the surprise. So if he doesn't come to Hawaii, then that means it's not a break up.

Like Daniel said 'worry about it when it happens'.

I grabbed a bagel and smothered the cream cheese on it. I pressed the two pieces together and took a bite.

"Are you ready?" Hailey asked.

"I guess." I said avoiding her eyes.

"Don't. Think. About. It." she said staring at me.

"But what if it's really true." I said.

"Focus. On. The. Competition." she said now glaring at me.

"Ok." I said looking at the bagel. 'I'm not really hungry."

"I don't give a hootberry. Eat it now." she said applying cream cheese on my nose.

"Ok, but stop doing that." I said swatting her hand away. I smiled.

"Much better." The hotel room phone rang and Hailey picked it up.

"It's Maria. She said that the contest will be starting in 30 minutes so we should go there."

"Ok." I said placing the rest of the bagel on the table.

"Eat on your way down." she said grabbing the surf board for me.

"No I'm ok. I'm full." I said taking the surf board and going towards the elevators.


"Over here!" Maria exclaimed.

I walked towards her and Hailey followed behind me. Daniel who was sitting on the sand looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Good luck." Maria said.

"You too." I said. "So when is it starting?"


We sat on the sand and chatted until the contest started. The host came and said the names of the three finales. "Oh my god! It looks like we made it in time!" a voice exclaimed.

"Harry!" Hailey exclaimed.

"Zoey your up first." Maria said. My gaze was focused on Louis.

"Hey Zoey!" Louis exclaimed. "I--"

"I have to go now." I said grabbing the board and running towards the water.

I ran to the water and sloppily placed my board in the water. I laid on it and started going towards the deep area.

A wave was soon coming and I got up. Balancing myself on the board I started to maneuver through it.


I saw her run towards the water. She didn't let me finish. "Hailey what happened to her?" I asked.

"She thinks your going to break up with her. She can't get her mind off of that and now she might even lose the competition."

"Why would she even think that?"

"She saw your tweets, Louis." she said.

"Louis right now we have to think of a way so she won't give up easily." Liam said.

"The poster we made!" Zayn exclaimed.

"What are we going to do with that? It just says 'Good Luck!' on it." Harry said.

"Sharpie." Niall said. Niall wrote something under the good luck sign.

"Hold it up." Hailey said. I did as she said and prayed that Zoey had good vision. "By the way, you boys are so cliche, but it's the thought that counts."

"I don't see you making a poster or anything." Niall said.


I focused my gaze on the judges, but my eyes constantly found its way over to Louis. I saw him holding onto something and when he flipped it over I read what it said.

I was an idiot. I was wrong and I felt really stupid. I zipped through a few tricks and showed then the one that I prepared for the finale with the help of Eric of course.

I jumped into the water with my board and started to swim to the shore. I looked at the water as I swam to the shore. I found a manatee swimming around here.

It was my first time seeing one and for some reason I wasn't scared. I continued swimming towards the shore and ran back to everyone.

When I got there I noticed Maria was there. She was probably performing now. "Louis!" I exclaimed dropping my board.

"Hey." he said.

"Why'd you lie that time?"

"Well I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!" he said adding hand movements causing me to laugh.

"Well I was thinking of something else."

"I know. You were completely wrong. Why'd you even think of that?"

"I don't know. I thought you didn't--" I was cut off by his lips pressing onto mine. I heard the clear of many throats making my skin become a bright red color.

"I also have another surprise for you." he said.

"I'll see to that later. Right now I need to know the results."

"All the finalists come to the main stage. We will be announcing the winner shortly. Also we will be having a live performance later on."

"In a couple of minutes." I said.

"Yeah. I know your going to win." Louis said.

"I'm not so sure considering my performance." I said.

A/N: Ok so there are only two or three more chapters left. Or I might change it and make it longer. Really I don't know. Anyway do you think that Zoey is going to win or lose??? Vote and comment please!!!!!!!

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