Chapter 39

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Everyone was all seated by the sofas. Hailey was about to find out that Harry wasn't home yesterday. "So why are we all here?" she asked.

"About that." I said sighing after.

"Zoey your making this sound really depressing." Louis said.

"I'm back!" Harry exclaimed opening the door. We all stared at him.

"Your not in bed with Chelsea!" I exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? Who is Chelsea?" he asked shutting the door.

Completely forgetting about Hailey I said "Yesterday we saw you with a girl. That girl is Chelsea."

"I was with Hailey the whole time." he said.

"No I saw you walking away with her." I said.

"Oh her." Harry said with a mischievous grin.

"Don't say it like that!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, Zoey. That was my cousin, Mariah." he said. "I met her yesterday. I didn't know she was in London."

"Oh." I said. I had a feeling my face was red from embarrassment. I plopped back on the couch and took a sigh of relief. "I really thought that was Chelsea."

"It was dark, so maybe you were mistaken." Liam said.

"I'm so glad it was a cousin, Harry." I said.

"Me too!" Hailey chirped.

"If it wasn't a cousin, do you even know how much crying I would have to deal with?" I asked looking at him.

"No." he said shrugging afterwards.

"My place would be flooded." I said causing a stir of laughter.

"Well I'm glad we cleared this up." Louis said.

"What day is it today?" I asked.

"September 13th." Niall said.

"So yesterday was the 12th. Our whole schedule became messed up because of your cast and stuff." Hailey said.

"Yeah. Happy Birthday Niall!" I exclaimed.

"Your the first person." he said.

"Really? I thought the boys would be first."

"They were all worried about Harry. They didn't even make me birthday pancakes." he said with a pout.

"How about I make you an awesome cake?" I asked. His eyes lit up and he just gave me an adorable smile.

"That would be great!" he exclaimed.

"Well lets do this. Zayn and I will go get ingredients for the cake, fajitas, and lasagna." Liam started. "Louis will make the lasagna while Harry will make the fajitas. Zoey will make the cake and Hailey will help out with everyone."

"What about me?" Niall asked.

"You stay out of the kitchen." Liam said.

"That's not fair." Niall said.

"Fine you make sure that the living room is clean." he said. "We will be back with all of the ingredients."



The old man that was checking out everything couldn't possibly go any slower. Liam being Mr. Nice was waiting patiently.

"This item is very expensive. Are you sure you want it?" the old guy, by his name tag: Bob said.

"Yes I would." the lady in front of us said.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now