Chapter 25

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"Wake up." I whispered while shaking her. The green eyes were getting closer. I slowly got off the bed and creeped toward the boys.

"Wake up." I said while shaking one of them. "Louis wake up."

I heard some mumbling and I had a feeling I heard my name. " Louis wake up!" I exclaimed.

His eyes opened and he slowly got up. "What time is it?" he asked.

"That doesn't matter. Look." I said pointing to the green eyes.

"No lights either." he said.

"Your flashlight!" I exclaimed. I got on the bed next to him and looked at him.

"I don't have it with me now." he said.

"Well do something." I said.

"Come with me." he said grabbing my hand. We stood up on the bed and carefully walked across it without stepping on Harry.

"Why are we going outside.?" I asked.

"Let's just go to another room." he said taking a blanket.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

"It's ok." I followed him out of the room. He slightly closed the door and we walked to another room.

"This room has a bed too." I said.

"It's pretty small." Louis stated.

"Not really." I said sitting on it. "If we just sleep on it while sitting then we both can fit in." I said.

"True." he said sitting next to me. Our backs were on the wall and we were sitting beside each other. The one blanket was over us and I felt my face heat up.

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. After a second my eyes shot open and I pulled away from the crook of Louis' neck. He looked at me, surprised.

"Louis you do realize that we left that thing with green eyes with Hailey and Harry." I said. "What if it kills them?"

"Relax. It's just Molly." he answered back.

"Molly?" I asked.

"Yeah Harry named the cat Molly." he said.

"Oh ok. So it was the cat. Why was it coming towards us though?"

"Well it really likes Harry, so I guess that it was going to Harry." Louis said.

"Oh ok. Good night." I said.

"Night. Don't let the bed bugs bite." he smirked. My eyes slowly closed and I placed my head on the crook of his neck as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Aw they look so adorable together." whispered a voice. My eyes slowly opened to find Hailey staring at me with her hazel eyes.

"Good Morning." I said after yawning. I turned around to find Louis gently sleeping on my shoulder. His hair was covering his eyes and I moved my hand toward his shoulder to wake him up. Hailey's hand stopped mine and I looked at her.

She put a finger on her lips and said "I'll be going now. Don't wake him up." She skipped away and probably went to see Harry.

I looked at Louis and gingerly lifted his head off my shoulder and placed it on the bed. I kneeled down next to the bed, placing my hands on it and laying my face on them. With a motion of my hand I swept away his hair so it was above his eyes.

Without noticing I began to play with his hair, twirling it with my fingers. His brown hair felt soft on my palm. Louis moved his head to the side, facing mine. Our noses were an inch apart and before I could move back, his eyes opened revealing dots of blue.

His eyes soon went wide in surprise and he got up at the same time I backed away. "Morning" he said as he raised his hands to stretch. My face was crimson, you could feel all the blood rush up to my head. Louis didn't look fazed at all. I was right; he had no feelings for me.

Wait why am I even thinking about this? I'm stranded on an island.

I soon saw a blurred hand in front of my face. "Earth to Zoey." he said.

"Oh, morning." I said after coming back to reality.

"Where are the others?" he asked.

"Well, I have a feeling that Harry is sleeping. Hailey is awake, she was the one who woke me up." I said.

"Well lets go see them." he said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.

I got out of his grip and stopped in my tracks. The next words I said were words that I would regret my entire life. "You don't need to hold my arm to take me everywhere. I can walk by myself and I certainly don't need to be pulled by someone. So can you stop touching me?"

He turned around and had a once in a lifetime serious face. "If it's bothering you, I won't touch you anymore. I also won't pull you around with me." With those words, he left me alone in the room. The door closed behind him and once I heard the slam I fell to the ground.

What did I just say? I made him mad and annoyed. Why did I even say something like that? It was all my fault for saying something so stupid. I was going to regret this. Heck, I already regretted saying these awful things to him.

I had to make things better. I had to say sorry. Louis didn't do anything wrong. It was all me. It was only because whenever he touched me my heart would race and his didn't. It was only because this was a one sided love.

When he held my hand, I would become red and my heart would beat a thousand beats in a second. Him holding my hand was nothing to him. He didn't feel anything special towards me. I was just a normal girl to him and that's what hurt.

I was serious about him, but he wasn't serious about me. Forget about being serious, he just doesn't even like me the way I like him. Plus the way I acted right now gives me the feeling that:

Louis now hates me. :(

A/N: Do you guys think Louis hates her? What will happen? Actually I really don't know. I go with the flow when I write. I don't plan it out. Especially this part. I was going to make them do something else, but it will come later on. Anyway vote and comment.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now