Chapter 40

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"Where's your childhood friend?" Liam asked once everyone got in the van.

"He said he would meet us there. Apparently his hotel is next to the beach." I said. I zipped up my sweater to cover up my bikini.

Normally I hated showing skin, but when your at the beach you have to. "That's good." Harry said. Louis was driving while Liam called shotgun. Hailey, Harry and I were behind them while Kevin, Niall, and Zayn were behind us.

"So where is this beach?" Hailey asked. Her hair was tied in a pony tail and she was wearing a hot pink top with a frilly skort on the bottom. I was wearing a purple top with a frilly purple skort on the bottom. It had small polka dots on it.

"I don't know." Louis said.

"Why don't you just say that it's a secret?" I asked.

"I only do that with you." he said looking at me from the side view mirror.

"Louis stop gawking at her and pay attention to the road!" Zayn exclaimed. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window zoning out.

Whatever Michael said was going through my head. I could become a doctor if I wanted to. I just needed to finish going to medical school.

Thinking back I remembered why I quit being a doctor. It wasn't because I was lazy, it was because going into the hospital reminded me of the shark attack.

I got over being scared of the hospital, but for some reason I gave it up. Being a DJ and working at a library wouldn't be considered a career at all.

Was it too late to continue my studying? Maybe I should find out. What about Hailey? She planned on being a doctor with me, but she completed her studies.

She didn't give up and completed her studying, but she did give up on becoming a doctor. What would she think about my decision?

"Zoey, your spacing out." said a voice.

"Well I'm awake now." I said smiling at Kevin.

"Well lets go! We're already here!" he exclaimed.

I got out of the car and looked at the sky. "Zoey, your acting weird." Kevin said.

I looked at him and smiled. I saw everyone setting everything up and I noticed Michael was there. "Hey Michael." I said. He came to me for a hug and I held out my hands. "You know very well that I don't hug people."

"She doesn't even hug me!" Hailey exclaimed.

"You have cooties." I said sticking a tongue at them. I walked toward the water and stood there. The waves crashed on my legs.

Maybe, just maybe I could go in here. I took a step towards it and the waves crashed to my knees. I looked at the water and backed away. No I can't.

"Zoey, let's go in the water." Michael said pulling me in.

"No!" I yelled running away from the water. I stood on dry sand and took a breath. Of course. Michael didn't know that I was attacked by that shark.

"Don't you want to try to over come your fear?" Louis asked.

"I did, Louis. It's just really scary. I just see the water splashing on top of me as I tried to get out. I can't."

"What if you try with me?" he asked. I took his hand and he led me to the water. "Just take easy steps."

He took me in the water and it was gaining. So far it was up to my waist. "Stop brushing my leg." I said.

"That's not me." he said.

"Don't lie, Louis." I said remembering the skin of the shark. "I want to go back." I said.

"Relax, it was just a fish." he said. "Your overcoming your fear. Let's keep going."

"No, Louis! I want to go back now!" I exclaimed feeling something else brush my leg.

"Zoey, you are not going back." he said. "Look at the water, its a fish."

I looked down and he was right. There was a school of fish circling around us. "Let's go further." I said.

"Ok remember, I'm right here." he said leading me in. When the water reached above my stomach I decided that I would swim back.

"I'm going to swim back." I said.

"Can you still swim?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Louis I think I overcame my fear." I said.

"One question: Do you think you can surf again?" he asked.

"I don't know until I try. Thank you." I said.

"Be careful on your way back." he said swimming towards shore. I followed him.


I sputtered and my eyes opened to Louis who had a worried expression. "You drowned. You probably got a cramp." he said.

"Well maybe I should have done some warm ups first." I said.

"I'm glad your ok." he said.

"I'm going to go in again. By the end of today I am completely going to get rid of this fear. I can do it, as long as your with me." I said taking his hand and going near the water.

"I'll always be with you." he said starting his warmups.

"Where did the rest of the group go?" I asked.

"The boys are swimming and Hailey is getting a tan."

"Isn't she already tan?" I asked.

"Who knows? Anyway should we start?"

"Let's go." I said jumping in the water. I could do this. I knew how to swim. Now the big question, could I be able to surf again?

I remember clearly. Before that accident, I was planning on being a pro-surfer. I decided on being a doctor once I gave up surfing. Then I gave up on being a doctor.

It was always just a fear that ruined my life. Now because of Louis I could overcome this and surf. What if surfing became my career?

It was one of my talents and I really loved to surf. What if I really did start again and become a pro-surfer? Of course there would be many steps, but if I really wanted a career in my life could surfing be the option. If it was could I really be capable of doing it? If I put my heart to it, then anything would be possible.

I will overcome this fear. I will take everything it takes to become a pro surfer.

If Louis was with me, I could do anything... But for how long would he be with me?

A/N: So here you go. Zoey has decided on her career with the help of Louis. Cliff hanger. I guess you guys know that something is going to happen. Well a couple of things. Anyway, vote or comment!

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt