Chapter 50

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"The first round begins in five minutes!" exclaimed the host of the competition. I patted Zoey's shoulder causing her to turn around.

"Knock em' dead!"

"I will." she said. I saw her hand tighten around the surf board that we bought yesterday.

"Your nervous."

"No I'm perfectly fine." she said. I saw her grip on the board tighten.

"Your killing the board. Relax! You'll be fine out there. I'll be cheering you on." I said.

"All contestants come to the shore line."

"Go. And good luck!" I exclaimed as she walked towards the area.

"I see your friend is in the competition." someone said.

"Yeah." I said looking back.

"My older brother is in it." he said.

"You look just like him!" I exclaimed. "The mini version of him."

"I get that a lot." he said.

"I met him yesterday. He told me that he was going to participate in this." I said taking a seat on the sand. The 14 year old sat down next to me and looked at the competitors.

"He told me about you. He said you guys had a very awesome talk."

"Well I tend to keep a conversation going."

He paused for a moment debating on what to say. "So how did you find me?"

"My brother told me to go talk to you so I won't be bored. By the way, my names Daniel."

"Hi. Hailey. How are you even bored? The contest is starting and its going to be really good."

"It isn't if you see it every year." he said.

"Don't they do anything to change it."

"They do. But in the end my brother always wins." he said.

"Well maybe something will change this year." I said. He looked at me and gave me a smirk.

"Your trying to say that your friend is going to beat my brother?"

"That's exactly what I'm implying." I said giving him a wink. I saw his face deepen in color.

He regained his composure and said "Well this year my sister also joined, so she has to take down both of them."

"Well only time will tell." I said noticing that Zoey was now balancing on her surf board.

"Your friend?" he asked.

"Yep. That's Zoey." I said.

His eyes went wide. "She looks almost like you, only her eyes are green and yours are hazel."

"I guess."

"I like you better, though."

"How can you even say that when you haven't talked to Zoey yet?" I asked.

"I don't like surfers that much. So since your not one I like you more."

"That's a simple way of putting it." I said. Zoey did some trick on her surf board and the wave soon died.

She swam back and the judges wrote down some things. She ran towards us and stopped seeing Daniel.


"Hey. This is Daniel. I just met him." I said patting the seat next to me.

"Hello." she said sitting down. Daniel waved to her.

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