2 - The Murder

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In the meantime, many of the council members already left the big meeting room through the other entrance, continuing their work schedule. Some vampires stayed and even others of the elite members mingled with council members as they for sure already know about a new stranger visiting the empire. Vampires are nosy creatures. It is just a weakness of the humans in a similarly high position. Gossip keeps their spirits alive. They love a good story to tell as long as it is not about their own misery.

Tristan rose slowly, in a majestic manner, as we entered. His cold eyes follow Dr. Nowak and already examined him from the first step he took into the door. Tristan is a tall and broad-shouldered man. His looks are reminiscent of an ancient warrior, but maybe it is only how I see him. That is how we met. The brown hair is tied into a low ponytail with a black silk band. I can see how the stranger is impressed by the radiant aura our Lord has and I cannot help myself but feel proud.

Proud that he still allows me to be his personal guard.

When Dr. Nowak is close enough to Tristan, I can see the corners of Tristan's mouth move up for a split second. "I haven't heard this accent in a long time, Dr. Nowak." Our ruler's deep, and rough, voice states. Yet, I can almost feel the calming tone of it. Back to my duties, I take my stand right next to Tristan.

My stance is as if I would still wear my old armor and not the black suit. It is a habit. I clasp my hands behind my back and puff up my chest. It is hard to at not look too short next to Tristan. I guess there are little people who do not feel like a leprechaun next to him.

"I'm sorry, that you had to wait so long, but we encountered some unplanned inconveniences today, please, take a seat." Tristan points to the chair right next to his own and gives me a short look. This is the silent order to bring a glass of blood for the guest.

I suppress an annoyed eye-roll. Instead, I nod for understanding. "So, now, what leads you into our beautiful city, Dr. Nowak?" I can hear Tristan saying while silently walking out the door again to head to the storage room.

I really do not mind to do those things for our Lord but maybe this is why I feel like a butler these days. Most likely, the foreigner is one from Middle Europe that came here because there are tough times there. Someone would think, that confusion and war cannot scare a majestic creature like a vampire, but in the end, we are still who we were in our old life. Still I really try to avoid thinking about my own past.

The storage room is more like a kitchen. The human servants also use it to prepare their meals. It is not that we would not be able to eat. It just tastes like nothing and we are not able to digest it. What sense does it make to waste money on food then? It is a bit of a difference with liquids. They still taste like nothing and it does not feed our hunger, but strong alcohol still has its effect.

It is like getting drunk with an empty stomach. Some use it to get lost now and then, but I gave up on it since it makes me a man I really do not want to be anymore. It lets me lose control over myself and I cannot even stay calm in some situation when I am sober.

Right when I am taking out two heavy decorated glasses of the kitchen shelf a servant shows up. She slightly bows her head and murmurs some excuse for disturbing me. I am opening a bottle of blood sniffing at it, but it really cannot beat the scent that is coming into my nose from that girl who just wants to start her work here.

I take a questionable look at her and have to grin. "We have a guest," I state while closing the bottle again. "Do you mind?" I ask while pointing at her first and the glasses afterward. I really do not intend to accept a no to that question, but I got told that I have to ask.

The servant smiles and bows in front of me once again. "Not at all, dear Sir," she humbly murmurs, before taking two steps in my direction. "Will you take me with you, or do you want to fill that, Sir?" Instead of answering, I put back the bottle and the glasses on the kitchen dresser in front of the maid.

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