38 - The News

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Connor smiles before he starts his attacks against Naveena's slick body, but she is fast. Using her ability to bend and stretch she is able to escape his attacks one after the other. She never had a fight before, always chickened out, when someone wanted to test her. So it comes she is the last in line, but from what I can see right now, she has potential.

I can also see that her movements charm especially some of our men and they cheer her up. The headcount in the crowd grows as the fight keeps on lasting. Then there is the moment she is a bit too late with her movement and Connor gains the upper hand. He starts to beat her and her movements getting even slower, causing more of his punches to reach its goal. It's her personal vicious circle.

The butcher still stands there with a straight face, not cheering or being angry. Nothing. I wonder if he even feels anything when he watches something like that. For him, we are still strangers no matter if Naveena cared for him for over a week now. "Do you give up?", I can hear Connor asking Naveena who is curling up on the ground, before getting to her feet again.

Her body shivers out of the strain and the visible skin starts to form bruises on several places. She shakes her head and Connor starts attacking again. The cycle repeats another time. Connor is slowly increasing the power he is using. After the third time he asks her, she is already bleeding and the unshed tears start to flow over her cheeks soundlessly.

I take another look to inspect the butcher's face. Maybe Etain is right about him. Connor keeps on beating up Naveena until she lies on the floor refusing to lose, but in obvious pain. The last few kicks from Connor against her ribs finally cause her to cry out loud and she let the pain flow into it, crying like a little child. I'm not entirely sure why Connor is doing this; but this time, the butcher moves.

He moves to come to stand between Naveena and Connor. "You are not allowed to interrupt this fight.", Connor says but Ethan doesn't move away; quite the opposite. I know the stance he takes. It's the same position all his guards had. Puffing up his chest he takes a look into the round silently judging us all. There is so much pride that I would like to rub his face into the dirt right now. He is not even the slightest better than any of us. I growl dangerously as Connor takes a look into my direction. "Go ahead, Connor. If he intends to fight back, I'll jump in too."

Ethan shakes his head slightly in my direction before moving up both of his arms spreading them away from his body to invite Connor to hit him, and he does. Landing one hit after the other, Ethan is not moving more than necessary to even out his balance. Naveena is still silently crying behind him but sits up and one can clearly see the awe Ethan causes; not only in her face. I don't like the direction this is going.

Connor already pants and his blows are getting slower. With a strong swing, he punches the butcher's jaw and blood starts to drip out of the little gap he is able to create with his lips. Connor steps back to eye Ethan. A cruel smirk starts to form on the butcher's face and another punch against his cheek breaks open the wound there but doesn't sweep away the grin.

Ethan looks up into the sky and I thought the sound, which I will hear next, at Connor hitting his ribs with a kick, is a growl of pain but instead, it's something different. Laughter. He is laughing, not giving in, but lowering his face slowly; his eyes are fully flashed up. The wicked appearance irritates most of my people, but I saw enough soldiers know what is happening here. He does fight back, just not with his fists. He's also not directly breaking a rule right now; he is just in the way.

Connor takes a few moments to let the sight sink in before he also bursts out in laughter. "Look at you, you pigheaded rebel! That must be your Irish blood. You've been in Dublin for a while, huh?", both of them keep on laughing together. Ethan lowers his arms, still chuckling and Connor once more comes closer to reach out his hand. "Squared?", Connor asks. Ethan takes his hand before they bump their right shoulders.

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