11 - The Celebration

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The recruits in the room stop with their training and start to take a look at what the commotion is about. Seeing me standing in front of our guest, whose lip is bleeding, they get curious but don't interrupt me. Eve also seems to have mixed feelings. She takes a look at the crinkled and now also a bit bloody letter I gave to her.

"Ethan? What does that mean? I can't read that. What is this?" she wants to know from me while I come to drag our guest onto his feet again.

"Oh, I can't tell you how much I will enjoy that now," I hiss at the Doctor's face before punching him once more to let him fall to the floor. He doesn't fight back.

"Ethan!" I can hear Eve once more trying to get her answers.

"This bastard here thinks that the world should know about the 'creatures of the night' and that 'the public of the humans' should get informed about us," I yell the answer into Doctor Nowak's direction, using the few words of the letter I was able to read. Eve's eyes widen and she takes a look at Andrej's direction.

"We need to find the cure first, but the public needs to start understanding that we exist! I don't expect someone like you to understand that there are proper preparations needed to make them accept our being," the guy on the ground hisses back at me.

Someone like me, hm? I growl out loud in anger. Keep on talking, little man.

"Don't you dare!" he tells me while clumsily getting up and showing me his index finger. "I am protected by people that are in far higher positions, than you will ever even be able to think of!" he keeps on talking while my fists start to form.

I'm so tensed up that Eve is whispering my name in an attempt to calm me. I shut her down with a side look and get forward to Doctor Nowak. Coming to stand a few inches in front of him and growling once more.

"Where are those friends of yours at the moment? Hm?" I ask dangerously silent.

He backs up his face a bit but otherwise tries to stand his ground. Instead of answering me his mouth corners slowly start to twitch up. That smile again; that insidious smile, which judges me on so many levels.

"Ethan, he was already talking about his intentions to Tristan. Shouldn't we just come together and talk about it?"
Eve tries to pour oil on troubled water, but the more I look at him the angrier I get.

"Listen to the lady," he finally says and I'm done with thinking. I bring him down, by pushing his chest hard with my flat hand. This time I don't let him get up but kneel on his chest and start to punch his face.

"Do you think you can threaten and betray our Lord?" I yell at his face in between and he has raised his arms to get a bit of protection from my rage. It doesn't help a lot. I will crush this guy's face. Nobody threatens Tristan's kingdom unpunished as long as I'm here.

I can hear some of the recruits starting to cheer me up in the background, but Eve shuts them down. A few moments after that, strong arms grab mine, hauling me away from my victim.

Still angry I get rid of the two guards. When I look around I can hear Eve yelling at some other guards, "Get him out of here and lock him in his room for now!"

I get myself together and calm down by growling out once more into the doctor's direction, "We are not done, Doctor!"

I straighten out and bring my clothes and hair in order. Eve looks at me with a serious expression, shaking her head in disagreement, but getting closer to me and waving her hand to the two recruits who were dragging me off that guy.

"What's going on with you? You know that guests earn a proper trial before getting punished in any way! Tristan won't like that," she silently says to me.

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