16 - Soulless Demons

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He doesn't understand and he never will. The only thing I will achieve is getting his contempt. Will I? Tristan is a kind man. If he doesn't accept it nobody ever will. Am I ready to find that out? I run both of my hands through my hair only stopping them to hold my neck as I can feel my head spinning a little more.

I know that I owe him an answer but right now it would feel like I'm only following orders. Despite what most think I barely do that. When my actions resemble my orders it mostly is because I don't know better or I trust the person who gave them. I straighten out getting myself together and making a decision.

Slowly but with a clear stare into Tristan's eyes, I walk over to him until our chests nearly touch. He looks down at me agog. I need all my strength to not look away before I let my wounded hand slide into his neck while leaning my head to the side as far as possible. His surprise turns into confusion.

"If you can't wait for me to tell you unneeded information about myself or if you think that I shed blood without a cause, I'll be happy to welcome your punishment. I don't care about the council, you are the only one who I allow to judge me," I point out, without looking away.

Tristan frowns first but then his features soften. "I hate when you know that I would never force you to anything," he runs his fingers over the side of my throat down to my collarbone. I have to grin.

"Tristan?" I say wolfishly pulling on his neck and he also grins before leaning down. His fangs slide into my skin and I moan. Blood. That's something I can handle.

I tighten my grip on his neck. My head spins even faster and my knees weaken. Damn it. Tristan is holding me close and I can feel his heat as he presses me against him. I start to feel lightheaded and can't hold back another releasing moan. Why can't it be always that easy?

Even though, he draws back after a few more moments; looking at me in confusion. "You need to see Doctor Johnson," he finally says and I shake my head.

"I need fresh blood, that's all," but can barely stand alone.

"Ethan, something's wrong," but all I do is to stare at him, trying to stand straight. He bites his wrist but I shake my head and try to get away. I feel so dried out that I have no clue how this would end. I don't want to hurt him.

He seats me at one of the posh armchairs and wipes his face clean before opening the door and commanding one of the guards there to bring some blood. I wish I would just disappear into nothing instead of getting seen by him in this weak state. I lean back and stare at the ceiling.

"There once was a boy asking the Father why there are children with parents and some without," I start and Tristan just sits down in silence listening. I realize that I'm still bleeding and hold my neck.

"The Father nodded his head and explained. 'You know that God is great, but the devil himself tries to defame him. To

achieve this he sends soulless demons into the world. These can only come here through sin; through sin, they are born to become the offspring of all evil.' The boy tried to protest but the Father shut him down. 'God is also able. We need to trust him and follow his rules. People will always sense the demon's presence, it will never be truly loved and it will never be able to truly love. Everything it touches will wilt.' He said he felt it from the first day my godless mother brought me. The only thing a demon can do to escape is to devote its life to God because God is generous," I turn my head to Tristan.

"I didn't devote my life to God." He doesn't answer but I can see that the story sinks in and that he tries to understand. I chuckle. That's ridiculous.

"Whoever that Father was, he sounds like an idiot. Aren't you an orphan? Do you really believe in that story?" he finally asks and my chuckle fades out to a sad smile.

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