25 - The Showgirl

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One of the maids came to me to have a heart on heart talk. She was worried like everybody else in the headquarters, but then she saw Ethan walking away from another maid's room, fully covered in blood and she nearly hyperventilated.

Fragile, little thing.

There is a reason why I'm working hard that those ladies don't realize that I also drink blood. It's not that I never drink in front of them, but there is a subtle way to distract their minds.

I should read through the passenger's lists right now, but then I found a cryptic note in my room. An invitation for tea. I know for sure from whom it came, even though there was no sender written down and I didn't recognize the handwriting.

There are little men who do not try to make sure I know exactly who they are; but not Ethan. Ethan is different and I wanted to solve this riddle of a man since I first saw him during my curtsey visit to Lord Blackwood.

He was observing me and the surroundings like a hawk and his position and look caught my attention. I know for sure that most of the ladies around laid eyes on the Lord, but what the Lord lacks is Ethan's subtle silence. His features are sharp and those cold green eyes always make me feel as if I have to confess all my sins. The devotion to his job and the way he tries to hide his emotions just makes him more interesting.

I took what I have already found out about his case and headed straight to his room. It's not much and I'm sure he won't be amused about the outcome, but he can't expect me to cause miracles. The council meeting is tomorrow and he will need more than just some guesses. I will make sure to do what I can until then.

I think he is the only man who never doubted my intelligence and who never underestimated my smartness. That makes it harder to play around, but I like challenges a lot. I have to smile. Checking my lipstick once more in the little hand mirror, I carry with me, I knock on the door in front of me.

"Darling, it's me," I make my appearance apparent and enter after I can hear the keys turning in the lock. The room smells like a pub with a hint of Ethan. I have mixed feelings about that.

"It's rather early for tea, my dear," I beam as he sits down at the little table.

"It's an evening tea," he says dryly and pours in the whiskey in the two glasses in front of him.

"Well then," I sit down in the other chair and take the glass to raise it. "Cheers!"

"Slainte..." he murmurs before gulping it down. Is he drunk or just tired? "Celeste," he looks into my eyes. "I need your services once more."

"Another day, another mission," I sigh. "You know that it needs a lot of time to check passenger's lists? I wonder...

would you be able to spare some guards?" I take a sip of the whiskey. That's not what I usually prefer, but not to drink would be so impolite. Watching the way he licks his lips makes up for this horrible drink.

"I can't do that and you know it," he replies and I nod. The number of guards patrolling and showing presence went drastically up since there was another incident with some newborns.

He takes out a cigarette before offering the package to me. Taking one out I ask, "Opium or tobacco?"

"Tobacco," he lights his first and then mine.

"So, what is so urgent that it will keep me from my duty to continue with my super secret search for Mister Holmwood's and that lovely Charlotte's names on a list full of immigrants?" I ask as I can see him inhaling blissfully.

He sighs and his forehead lays in folds, "It doesn't need to be done immediately, but I need to be sure it will get handled properly. You asked me if I never lied to Lord Blackwood and I really never did but this case must stay between the two of us."

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