43 - The Nightmare

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It is an interesting sight. Ethan in these casual clothes and the little girl cuddled into his arms. Both of them are sleeping. I guess Nora was sneaking to him during the daytime but he didn't send her back to me. Usually, I enjoy my beauty sleep. You can't make something out of nothing, right? This time although I felt uncomfortable and wonder that he still is asleep.

In the headquarters, I saw him wandering around bellowing and giving out orders at any time of day and night. I think I never saw him asleep, even though his breathing is unsteady and he looks as if he's having a terrible nightmare. My lips purse. Finally, I found something that melts his heart and it's as unexpected as it could be. I made my way in his head through Nora. With another side look at the two of them I start to refresh my makeup and check my hair in the little hand mirror I carry.


"I can't believe you even consider that.", I tell her angrily. "Oh please, it's not that bad. You are so dramatic."

"You left me alone the first eight years, Gwendolyn! For me, it was hell!", I argue. "I had to find him. Do you think children grow on trees? I had to be careful and unlike you, I love him and don't ever want to lose him!", her words like poison to my heart.

A month. She stayed with us for a month and now she thinks it's time to turn Tobias into one of those monsters the two of us are. "I won't allow it." A statement and I glare at her as she raises her hand to slap me but I grab her wrist mid-air. "I won't allow you to do this to him like you did to me. He will have a life in the light. He will do whatever he pleases and I will protect him until the day he eventually dies in peace." My eyes start to glow and so do hers.

"He is old enough to decide this on his own. Why don't we go and ask him? I'm sure he also has enough of your overprotective keep and this ..." She gestures around her with her free hand. "...all of this!", she then finishes. "Don't you dare to speak about our living, when all you ever did is to come and go as you please. If I would have done it that way..."

"Then what?", she snaps. "You may be kept him alive, but you never let him live! I will take him with me and show him how gorgeous the world is.", she threatens and I growl out angrily.

"You won't take him with you to anywhere!" She drags her arms away from me and shows me her fangs. I return the gesture but straight out at the sight of Tobias standing in the doorframe watching our argument. His face shows confusion and his eyes question me.

"There is a chance for me to become as strong and powerful as you two?", he wants to know and his face brightens at the thought. Mine although darkens. The consequences are too serious and he is merely a man but more of a boy with a naive soul. I doubt he can see the drawbacks clearly. His excitement just shows me that he is just that: excited.

"Yes, Agra. I would do that for you any time, but your stubborn father refuses.", she easily leaves me holding the baby. His excitement turns into disbelief and I can see that he trusts in every word Gwendolyn says. "Please, potato. You don't know what that means for your future."

"You are just envious! He would make a far better creature of the night than you! He already is a far better man than you'll ever be.", Gwendolyn keeps up the argument and I grit my teeth. She was the one starting to drink from Tobias as he was a baby and little child. All those scratches and little scars on his shoulders and arms are from her. They are reminiscents of her greed.

"You don't talk to me like that, Gwen!", I growl angrily and see her flinch. She wasn't referring to my behavior but more of my ability to bed her. "I'm out...", she then throws her hands in the air before turning away. "I'm not going to let you leave us like that.", I grab her arm. "Not this time.", I add in a whisper.

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