40 - The Homecoming

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Lyall is furious and he finally does what he wanted to do to me since the day I woke up after the ceremony. He beats the hell out of me, but somehow I can feel that all of this is only frustration. It doesn't feel like he is enjoying it. I would enjoy it if I were him, but I'm also good at playing the punching bag and at some point, he also realizes that. The beating stops and he waits for me to get to my feet once again. The light leather armor I wear over my woolen shirt helped to protect my upper body. Gladly Eve brought me some more things to wear a few weeks ago. The black suitcase was some kind of care package that I was allowed to keep.

I gulp hard to swallow the blood in my mouth. Disgusting, but I managed to bite my tongue. Winter is about to reach the woods and a really cold breeze cuts over my skin when I rise to my feet. Lyall snorts angrily. "I know what this sign means. I also used that language back then.", he starts. "Look at her." He grabs my chin and forces me to look at the dead woman. "What did she do to earn that, hm? What cruel game is this, which you play?"

I try to shove away his wrist with force but to my surprise, he gives in easily. Moving over to come to stand in front of the dead woman I really can't tell him, why it must have been her to die for this message. I stroke along her cheek and tug the hair that was covering her face behind her ear. I know who she stands for though. I touch her forehead with mine. Gwendolyn.

Lyall is watching me closely and Connor starts to walk over slowly, always making sure that Lyall is really done with me. I cup the woman's cheek with my palm. She is not her. The other beasts chime in the silent howl I release. A sigh before I concentrate to get her down that pole with Connor's help. No matter who she was, I doubt that she earned to be part of my victims. The trail of corpses I always left behind is not only plastered with assholes and criminals, there are enough of innocents amongst them and I'm very well aware of that.

It's interesting to watch Lyall struggle. After all, he accuses me of; he has his troubles to accept that I don't break his rules or that I really accept the punishments they include if I do. He doesn't say a thing, but I think he is still not sure if he likes or hates me; most likely it is both. I take the heart from the pole and look at Connor, before slowly moving it into her chest again. Connor gulps at the sight but nods.

We both know that it needed to be done that way. Naveena slips next to me to take a look at the corpse when I get up from my crouched position. It shouldn't be so hard for me to look at that human. Her features do not even resemble Gwendolyn's in any way. I take Naveena's shoulder and turn her to kiss her forehead absentminded before I turn away and start to walk over to the working stations at the next clearing.

I'm sorry, Henriette. I caused another woman's death. Lyall is right, what does a life mean to me? Nothing as it seems, right?

Sunken in my thoughts Lyall turns me around with a grip at my shoulder. "You are no longer worth Naveena's care. I won't allow you to sleep in the tunnels anymore. Find yourself shelter within the barricades somewhere in the woods. I don't want to see you anymore tonight. Leave the camp...", he says fairly calm but loud enough for everybody to hear.

I nod and take a look at Naveena. She doesn't move but looks shocked into our direction. I keep my face straight, but I guess this is the end of the line. I officially reached the bottom of the food chain by all means. Perfect. This will make it easier for everybody; at least that's what I try to tell myself, while I swallow down my pride.

Lyall also glances at Naveena, before he moves away and Etain starts to give out tasks to everybody. They will burn the human body at dawn.


It's only about a week since I rescued Tobias from the thugs. I had to bind him to his bed after he panicked and tried to run from me several times. It's not very helpful when he constantly tries to get somewhere I can't follow him and all I want is to make sure, that he is safe. "Are you hungry, potato?", I ask him and he curls up in the bed.

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