55 - The Hunter

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The remaining night, as well as the next day, is full of work. After Lyall agreed to get the beasts involved in donating blood, we also needed a place where Erwin could work. We have been able to put the tents of the border patrols to good use for that.

With the pieces of cloth, we were able to expand the main cave into the clearing without bringing everybody in danger. We can call ourselves lucky that the winter sun is not too bright, even though we are struggling with keeping the humans warm. The construct seems stable enough though to have more room.

There also needed to be some partitioning. Otherwise, most humans would have panicked when someone else's treatment goes wrong. Despite Erwin's usual behavior, this is his element. He knows what he is doing, even though the pile of corpses grows with every passing hour.

At some point, even I had to go to sleep for a while. The constant smell of blood and the tiredness nags at my mind and body. I got back to the chamber where Naveena and I had been living for a few weeks together to rest. After the little sleep, I am still tired and worn out. At least my nightmares did not get out of hand this time.

When I am still sitting on the fur, thinking about the whereabouts of Tristan, I can hear Celeste asking her way to my room. I know I never cared to tell her to stop chasing after my attention, but why can't she just leave me alone? The only person I really want to see right now in that doorless frame in front of me would be Tristan.

... but it is never about what I want, hm?

I get up just the moment Celeste enters with a small smile on her face, and a bundle of clothes wrapped in her arms. "Good evening, darling. Have you had a nice rest?"

"I'm not in the mood for friendly conversations, Celeste. Is there anything that needs my attention?" I get straight to the point.

She takes a few more steps in my direction before handing over what she is carrying. "I did not forget about you when I came here," she says.

I take a closer look at the bundle in front of me and it contains some leather armor and a very special weapon in the middle. I pull out the ax, and lay down the rest of the clothes, to inspect the carvings on the handle. I stare at them for a moment to realize that I know them.

A loud growl rolls out of my chest to free the anger within. "What does that mean?" I bark at her but she just laughs.

"Don't be mad at me," she starts and her tone gets more serious, "I liked the thought that you will have a weapon with this sign. Use it to destroy whoever will try to harm us. The same sign that got us all into that will seek revenge. Isn't that poetic?"

She reaches out, to engulf my tense jawline and cheeks softly with her palms. Her eyes start to glow. "Remember that you are not the only one who they stole Nora from. I want Naveena's head, darling. Nobody steals from us and can expect to get away with it, right? Will you be able to bring our girl back with this?"

I look down on the weapon in my hands. I never saw her so determined about something so cruel.

"I will put it to good use if the situation calls for it," I answer before shoving her hands away.

"Where have you been during the explosions? How come your blood is clean?" I then ask before going to undress my upper body and put on the linen shirt and leather armor Celeste brought.

I need to confess that it feels good to get dressed more properly again, especially before calling the guards for parole. When I turn around, I can see her staring at me. Her eyes are back to normal and her smile is as indefinable as ever, but she is just watching me instead of answering.

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