34 - Point of No Return

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I sing about war, about loss and about how short the life of a soldier is. Johnny, I hardly knew ye. Even though, I'm sure most of them didn't catch the meaning of the last rhyme.

They never shall have our sons again.
Johnny, I'm swearing to ye.

Eve still eyes me with an unforgiving stare and I'm not sure why she is so mad at me. I raise my mug, which got refilled by Naveena, in Eve's direction, "Fitting enough, my Lass?"

She doesn't grant me an answer but turns around to sit down between Lester and Lloyd. Sven is still clapping when he sits down and I can hear him tell the others that he told them. Whatever it is he said, I seem to have been a subject of their conversation and not only their game.

"By the way, my name is Connor, Ethan. Good to have another Irish lad here, the Scots are about to take over otherwise," the demanding beast grins at me from the side. I should have known he is Irish, with that attitude. His body is not too deformed yet but his hair is long and wild.

"What about you? What are your talents to entertain us?" I can hear Connor ask Charles. "I'm not here for anybody's entertainment," Charles answers coldly eying me, "...unlike my former jailer over there as it seems."

"You should be grateful I didn't show you what kind of entertainment Lord Blackwood's dungeon is capable of," I groan and take off my gloves to get myself a cigarette.

At least I was so wise to save a package, but they will also be gone soon. My thumb finally decided to show a little stump and makes it a little easier for me.

"Grateful?" he snorts but Lyall interrupts him.

"The two of you will have enough chances to go on each other's throats. It's enough for tonight. Enjoy the beer," Lyall nods at me.

I nod too and take another draw on my cigarette when I hear some kind of buzzing noise. I turn around and so does Lyall. I think he can also hear it. A growl of pain can be heard and anger creeps up my throat as I see Tristan pulling out an arrow from his shoulder.

He was about to approach us. I take a look at the direction where it came from. All the others around me are also highly alerted, but this has nothing to do with our murders and the people for whom we are waiting for.

Maria. I can see her eyes as she slips down from a tree, trying to sneak away. She looks at me caught in action.

That's it.

I told her to kill me quickly but she instead dared to attack Tristan while I'm still around the corner. What did she believe would happen with that little arrow of hers? She should better have aimed for my head. Now it's my turn.

"Lyall...?" I hiss out angrily and he looks at me questionably. "You better think about a punishment for me already because I'm going to kill her." After that rather calm statement, I shout out into Maria's direction, "Run, little bunny, run!"

And she runs. Lyall tries to get hold of me as I start running to the trees where Maria just was, but I can slip through. Chaos breaks out around the fireplaces as Lyall barks his commands at the beasts to go and catch us, while Tristan commands our guards to keep calm and stay where they are. I am chasing Maria and closing the distance between us very fast while the other beasts try to prevent the unavoidable.

She could have waited to attack me until I'm alone, but she never was good at planning. This night and Tristan as a target was the worst choices she could have made. All I can think of is to break her bones, bleed her out and last but not least eat her soul. Her fate is sealed. Nobody attacks Tristan without punishment.

The tree trunks are rushing by and the uneven forest floor full of roots slows both of us down. I can clearly smell her fear whiffing over my face as I run directly behind her. When I finally come close to her at a small clearing I waste no time and throw myself on her back, making both of us fall.

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