Chapter 2

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"Hi, Alyssa. Was your day as sweet as your little princess face?"

"Hello, Josh! My day was as boring as all the others but thank you for your super nice compliment. I wonder when will you run out of compliments!" I say with a bit of sarcasm.

"Never when it comes to you, darling." I laugh getting in the changing room to put on my work suit.

This was Josh also known as the clumsy boy who tries to make me his girlfriend since I started working here. He makes me more laugh than falling for him. However, he's really kind and generous. He's the kind of friend that I'll call after midnight, tell him I murdered someone and he'd come help me anyway.

I get out of here a few minutes later to join my dear friend Josh behind the counter. And here's a new day beginning.

I was serving people for like 2 hours straight so I asked to do a little pause. A pause that I absolutely need just to feel free a little bit and chill out. However, I stay near the counter but I just sit next to Josh who's still doing the job.

A while after there's not a lot of consumers as on the snack time so the other worker left the dinner, letting Josh and I alone.

"I want to smoke some cigarette, could you please replace me?' He asks me.

"But I'm on my break too!" I say a little mad.

"Come on and I'm sure there would be no one, you just have to stand here..." He looks at me with his cute little face and I finally accept. "Thank you, you're the best"

The lastest consumers leave the dinner so I walk to the door to close it but a couple wants to get in. Oh, god. I thought I could go back home and rest a little bit but a couple had to get in. It's not even a cute couple that inspires love and that's discreet. No. The girl is just walking beside her boyfriend, holding him super close and laughing her throat out. Snigger.

Unfortunately, I have to act like I like them and not mad because, because of them I can't get home yet. So I put my biggest smile on my face and walk behind the counter.

"Hi! So... what would you like?" I ask softly.

"Ummmmm..." The girl says, chewing her gum which makes me dislike her even more. I wait a while before she finally decides while her boyfriend just stays beside her, looking at his phone. What a couple!

"I can propose you something if you can't choose..." I say a little annoyed and trying to win some time.

"I come here every day so I know what's good or bad and I don't need your help." She says putting her sunglasses on her head. I could answer her the exact same way she talked to me but I won't risk losing my job so I'll stay quiet.

She's tall. Not as tall as her boy next to her but taller than me. She's blonde with blue eyes and she's really pretty. I won't say she's ugly only because I don't like how she is acting, I'm not like that. I really can't stand her though. I mean, who gives her the rights to act like shit? 

"Babe, why don't you choose the same drink you took yesterday?" the guy asks her, holding her close with his arm around her waist. She nods. "2 Latte Machiatto Coco please." He finally orders.

"What are your names?" I ask while I'm taking a cup but I get surprised when I hear the girl laughing at me. I look at them confused while the boy is just standing there and scratching his neck. "Did I say something wrong?" I ask really annoyed.

"Yo-you really don't know who my boyfriend is?" She asks between two laughs. I'm still confused. Should I have known who is he?

"My name's Shawn", He says softly and I start writing his name on the cup without saying anything.

"Hello!! The Shawn Mendes is standing in front of you!!" She says, waving her arms head-on me.

"And?... I mean" I look at the named Shawn "Don't take it personally but I don't know who you are so if you could tell your dear lover to calm down and stay on earth it could be cool." I say with a huge smile on my face. I'm definitely not talking to a kid who thinks she's above everyone only because she's dating who knows!


Hello! In this second chapter, Alyssa and Shawn meet... but with his girlfriend.

Any first impression about the girlfriend??

Love you all.


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